Chapter 23

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"Let's go." I mutter to Luke, as the females take over the guard of Lucy.

I turn around to my best friend. She looks as if something bothers her. And since she isn't speaking up, I contact her through mind-link.

"What's bothering you?" I ask her, practically voicing my thoughts.

She looks at me for awhile, before giving me a goofy grin.

"You aren't mad right?"

I shake my head disapprovingly.

"Oh, I'm furious!" Lucy's eyes wide in chock. "But I'll let it slide this time. It's not like you revealed something, I don't know, life changing that might affect my life for all future ahead of me. Or something that I didn't want Luke to know."

Lucy looks emotionally hurt, as her ears lays flat to her skull, her smile long gone.

I nudge her with my nose playfully.

"It's okay. I'll make the best out if it. Don't worry. It was bound to happen someday."

Lucy looks like she feels better about herself after I've said so, but I can sense that she isn't completely convinced that I'm okay with it.

Not that I am either.

I face Emight again, sigh and trot out if the glade. He follows tightly behind.

When I turn around to check if he's still there, I see that the green, glowing light from The Thee has disappeared. Like always.

"So..." Emight trails of, like many times before firing up an awkward conversation.

I don't know if I should be worried for Luke's pack. After all, he and Emight are the future Alphas and they can't even talk with a girl without making a total fool out if themselves. It's worrying, really.

But with my help they'll probably make it.

I shake the thought out of my head, as I realise Emight has walked up right next to me, falling into my steps.

It feels kind of weird walking as a wolf next to a werewolf. Let's change that.

I feel how my green eyes glow and bones snap, before I stand next to them in werewolf-form.

The fur of the wolf is white. It looks like a dirty-white wolf, not the glowing white kind. From the top of my head to the tip of my tail trail a black leopard patterned area.

Emight stops in his tracks.


I roll my green eyes that slowly stops to glowing.

"It's not that amazing."

Emight shakes his head before he catch up on me. I continue to walk as he walks beside me, now falling into my step once again.

We travel along one of the paths, one that's outside of Luke's territory. One that's in my zone.

Even if everything is that.

The forest isn't as quiet as you might think, birds are singing in the trees, some rabbits run out in front of our feet.

"So..." Emight seems to try again to spark an equally awkward conversation.

I begin to laugh hysterically. It's an animalistic one, and I stop walking so I won't fall over.

Isn't it adorably pathetic how he can't master a conversation with me? Just me?

"What?" Emight asks. He looks embarrassed, his ears tilting backwards on his head.

"Nothing." I state and start walking again, occasionally giggling a little.

"Seriously, what?" Emight tries again.

I sigh happily. "I somehow find it hopelessly adorable when you can't have a conversation with me without getting really awkward."

"Did you hear that Luke?! She called me-... I mean us, cute!" Emight squeals and a new bounce arrive in his steps.

"You know I can hear you, right?"

He stops dead in his tracks with two paws mid air, making him fall into a pile of wolf and fur.

"Um, yeah. Totally knew that." he deadpans awkwardly.

I let out a wolfy chuckle and continue to walk. I don't know where we're heading, my legs just kind of walks by themselves.

But I like it.

I don't know what exactly that I like about it, it might be the fact that I'm having a cozy strol through the forest with my soulmate as the sun's about to set, but it's just perfect.

Emight actually manage to keep up a decent conversation, even if I have to help him form sentences.

It's adorable really.

And it makes me wonder why I didn't tell him earlier.

We've walked in silence awhile, when I assume Luke talks Emight and gives him something to say.

"So... what do we do now?"

I give them a questioning look. The question startles me a little, since I don't really know what he's hinting at, nor what he want to end up with the answer.

"What do you mean?" I decide to voice my thoughts.

"You know..." Emight trails of. I think this is the 34th time he trails of today, and we've just spoken for about half an hour.

I tilt my head to show him that I actually do not have a clue about what he's hinting on.

"...with our pack and stuff."

Even if he hasn't really explained what he meant, I feel as if the polette rolls down.

"How they'll react or...?" I try. I want Emight to say it, since he obviously needs the training.

Emight's blue eyes flicker around on everything but me.

"That, and what to explain you as. You know, since not even I know that..."

Emight mutters the last bit a little under his breath, but I still hear him.

I sigh. I feel as if I've done a lot of that resently.

"Explain me as a werewolf. They don't have to know anything else."

Now it's Emight's turn to sigh. His steps lose the bounce they held, and his back isn't as up right as before.

"What about us then? Do we fit in that category of not knowing anything else?" the wolf spats, suddenly changing his mood drastically.



Omg what did Samantha do now to set Emight of?!


This is officially half way through the book.

Next chapter is like a new "department", like Lucy's kidnapping was one and that will become another.

I'll introduce one of my absolute favourite characters next chap. And it's some backstory on Sam as well.

So of course it's a vote-lock on it!

But now, as fast as this reaches 12 votes, next chapter comes up.

So 'til next time peeps!


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