Chapter 25

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I feel like a creep, sitting in raven-form high up in a tree, watching the werewolves run around below me.

But at the same time I'm well aware to why I'm doing this.

I have feelings for him.

I bloody fudging fancy him.

I think it happened yesterday to be honest. I realised how much it hurt. How I kind if missed having someone to think about, to worry about, to annoy myself at. Someone to tease as human, to think is cute when awkward.

I can see Luke stand there in the middle of the field they use as training place. He looks fine. Unbothered.

Just kidding. He looks as if someone close to him have died. As if he've lost something really important to him, making my heart ace. It has since yesterday really. Occasionally hurting like hell, feeling as if something stabbed me.

The other wolves run around him in circles, some shifted and some not. Some of them stand in the middle, lifting fallen trees and doing push-ups.

When I first sat here, there was one thing that really hit me. There aren't any girls here.

No one whatsoever.

Probably one of the old Alpha's ideas. When you think of it it wouldn't be so surprising, he's the one that beat up a wolf because he thought that was the way to go.

I cringe at the thought of it.

It isn't really interesting sitting on a branch looking at other people training, even if it's really amusing.

Someone walks up to Luke. I concentrate to listen to their conversation. How his luscious lips move...

Really Samantha? Just... no.

"Um.. Alpha Luke?" the younger looking wolf asks hesitantly.

Luke's head turn around quickly, his face is harsh and expressionless.

"Well," the teenager continues. "I've just found my mate and I promised her that we could meet today, but then you called for extra training and..."

Aww, so cute. I ship it.

Luke's face drops at the word mate. I see it, and I sit quite the distance from him. It's emotion-filled just for a moment or two, before he covers it up. This too hit me in the feels.

"Are you suggesting that I let you go form practice before everyone else?" Luke says, his composure suddenly stiff and aggravated.

Hey! Don't ruin the poor guys future. Just because you can't handle not knowing my secret, shouldn't you take it out on that poor kids mate! Let my ship sail Goddess dammit!

"No Alpha. I mean yes Alpha. But I don't mean it like that I just-" the kid cut himself of. "Wow."

His eyes lock with mine for a moment.

"You go and see your mate. I'll deal with Luke here."

The kid nod, obviously in awe.

At my voice, Luke turn around, just to face me in werewolf from. All the other werewolves have stopped with what they're doing, looking at us. Some of them look scared, others surprised. A few of them even look amused.

"You..." Luke trails of, as he seems unable to form words. His blue eyes are locked with mine.

"...came back! Oh, we're so sorry! We were stupid and..." Emight exclaims, finishing for his awkward human.

A smirk plays on my wolf lips.

"Who said I did?" I say. I speak so Luke will understand, so not in the wolf language.

Luke's face drops as I turn around, intentionally tracing my tail under his nose.

When I've turned, I look at him. Challenging him to follow me.

His eyes narrow.

"Practice dismissed." Luke yells, the field cheering. "Hey!"

The pack only laughs at him as they proceed to leave the grass area. Some wolf-whistle as they walk pass me, which is a big mistake.

A growl escapes Luke's lips, making them shut up immediately. I just chuckle at them, as a warm feeling spreads across my chest.


"And you Miss," Luke says, jabbing a finger in my direction. "Are an evil mastermind."

I stand there, slightly moving my tail back and forth, before I send a wink in his direction.

"Like you'd know." I scoff teasingly.

"Well, you kind of just made me stop the hole extra practice..." Luke trails of.

I shrug innocently.

"Well, it was an extra practice caused by me, wasn't it?" I question with a pointed look at him.

Luke's cheeks turn a shade darker, making me chuckle.

"Thought so."

Luke collect himself rather quickly form his momentary embarrassment, and he looks as if he's about to shift.

"Wait!" I interrupt him. Luke gives me a questioning look.

My eyes glow and in a matter of seconds I've shifted back into human form. As I shift, Luke turns around. I feel a little confused, before I realise why.

He thinks I shift naked.

Such a peasant.

When I stand there in human-form, jean-shorts and military patterned t-shirt on, looking at his back, a plan shapes up in my head.

"Luke, you can turn around now."

Luke spins around on one heel, frowning slightly, just to find me fully clothed. The frown soon become realisation, which soon turn into a jealous glare.

"You're so lucky you shift with clothes, you have no idea." Luke mutters under his breathe, as he smiles at me.

"A walk in the woods?" I ask him, ignoring his earlier statement.

"A walk in the woods."


I've done a study.

If you update like, once a week, you get more reads. I think that's the key to success! How all the big names do it. Some even update once a month, and get ridiculous numbers of reads and votes and comments screaming "UPDATE!!!"

So, imma be a rebel and don't. Imma keep updating per usual.

(Did you really think I was that mean, huh?)

Didn't this chapter make you all warm and mushy inside? It's just so cute.

To bad that's about to change. *cue evil laughter*

Just kidding. (Or am I!?!)


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