Reuniting with old friends

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Woody was walking to his desk, just getting into the station when he heard a familiar female voice.

"I told your brother to stop beating you with the ugly stick. Damn, he must be hitting you like twice a day or something." Smiling while approaching him.

Instantly knowing that voice he turned around to see a familiar face. "Katlyn?! Who's the idiot that let you of your cage?" Giving her a hug.

As they hugged he noticed that it was tighter than usual. Like she did not want to ever be let go of him. He wondered what had gone on that led to a hug like this.

"So what are you up to Woods?" She asked finally letting him go.

"Well I just needed to get something off my desk, then I was meeting my partner for a case." Pointing towards his desk.

But before he can ask her anything else, she spoke up. "I'll wait for you outside ok? I am thirsty and there is a vendor outside I saw." Leaving without another word.

Ten minutes later Woody was leaving the precinct, his eyes scanning around in search of his old friend. Katlyn popped up on the left side of him with a surprise hug.

Watching her screw the cap back on from the spilled water from her hug. "What was that for? Are you ok?" He asked, bending over a little and putting his hand on her shoulder. Glaring at her to see if he could get an answer of any kind.

"I am so totally fine. The hug was the fact I am so stoked to see you and happy to be here." Placing one hand on her hip. "So where is this partner of yours? I'm starving, which means you need to hurry this up." Smiling at him as she tilted her head to the side a little.

Woody pointed across the street to a mom and pop place. There, sitting outside at a round table, was a middle-aged man. He was almost six foot tall, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes. He was slightly tan nothing too big and he looked like he gets to the gym occasionally. He introduced himself as detective Banks, but everyone calls him Jack.

Woody and Banks finished an hour later and everyone said their goodbyes before Banks left their company.

"So Woody, why did you meet detective Banks at the restaurant and not in the police station?" Katlyn questioned.

Getting up from the table after paying their half of the bill. "We were having trouble doing some paperwork at the station without being bothered. We kept getting interrupted, plus this was the only time we could do the paperwork and we were hungry."

Katlyn stopped Woody outside the station. "May I stay with you till I can get a place of my own?" Asking nervously.

Looking at her with concern. "Ya, just please tell me what is going on. You are starting to really worry me." Putting both hands on her shoulders.

Katlyn took a step back looking around to see if it was ok to talk. "Well, my stuff is by your desk. I...I have to pick something up." Starting to act weird. "I....I will be back in a like an hour or two." And with that Woody watched her take off without another word.

Woody was at the morgue talking with Dr. Macy and Nigel, checking up on a body for a case. He was talking to them when his cell rang, it was Katlyn asking where he was because she was at the station. Telling her he was at the corners office.

Katlyn walked through the doors with Lily trailing behind her twenty minutes later. Woody, Dr. Macy, and Nigel all look up towards them when they entered, their mouths hung open when they laid eyes on what was in front of them. Before Katlyn was wearing some faded blue jeans and some gray shirt with some writing on it. Her hair was brown and her eyes were a very lovely shade of emerald green.

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