A Fresh Exciting New Start

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Woody was fast asleep when Katlyn came running into his room. Jumping onto his bed she landed right on him.

Laying on him. "You will never guess what just happened." Smiling not waiting for him to say anything. "I finally found a place! I am getting my own place!"

Woody pushed Katlyn off of him as he sat up in bed. "Wow, you found a place so soon. Congratulations." Not sounding very enthusiastic about it.

"So soon! I have been here for two weeks. I need to go, any longer I will overstay being here. No more imposing on my part. But you're going to like this. I am two floors above you. How about that?" Smiling at him as she bounced up and down in excitement.

He stared at her in awe. Not really knowing what to think. "How did you get a place in this building? And two floors above me?"

She finally stops bouncing. "See I ran into the guy yesterday that runs this place. See he was having trouble with his groceries. So as a nice and adorable..." Putting her hands on her chest and battering her eyes a little "As I am, I helped him. So we got to talking and I told him what was going on. Well, he called me today and said that he has an open place. The person who lived there got married and moved into another building. He asked if I wanted it and all, so I said yes." Smiling.

Getting out of the bed and going straight to the fridge without another word. Katlyn shortly came out after him, standing a few feet away from Woody. She watched him take a swig of milk out of the carton before turning towards her.

"Woody, what's wrong? If it's me moving out don't worry. I am only two floors up. I am close by, and I will be over every night or at least as much as possible." Crossing her arms.

Placing the carton of milk back in the fridge Woody still hadn't said a word as he went back into his room. Katlyn let out a gust of air in frustration as she went back to her room. She felt she needed to give him some space, let it all sink in before coming back to him.

"What no out there outfits to go with your hair today?" Bug entered her office with some papers in his hand.

He had just set them on her desk when Katlyn looked up. "Nope, not today Bug. Just not in the mood to stand out at all." Propping her elbows on the desk and her chin on her hand.

Bug took the empty set that was across from her desk. "Stand out at all. Your hair is a light color aqua blue." Both of them laugh a little. "Work is boring since Jordan is not raising havoc yet. So spill it. What's wrong?" Sounding a little demanding.

Lifting her head off her hand. "Told Woody about me getting my apartment today. And it's two floors up from him, I was happy and thought he would be too. He didn't say a thing. Not one word." Sitting back in her chair.

"He doesn't mean anything by it. Give it time, he will get over it." Sitting up from the chair.

"So short, yet so, so sweet and adorable." Saying it with a straight face

Smiling at her. "Ahh, very funny coming from the midget with 31 flavor hair."

Katlyn laughed at Bug's remark watching him leave her office only to be replaced by Woody seconds later. "What's so funny?" Coming back in taking the empty chair that Bug was just in.

"Bug and I were just making fun of each other." Playing with the papers she had gotten. "What brings you to me?" Refusing to look up at him.

Looking to the floor and back at her, "I'm sorry, I miss having you around. I was being selfish. I just didn't want you to leave so soon. It's fun having you around."

She looks up at him. "You know for a fact that it's going to be like I never left. I just need my own stuff, room and a bed to pass out on when I get drunk. It's going to be like Wisconsin but in Boston."

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