Love Is Never Easy

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Bug was sitting at his desk the next day when Katlyn walked over taking a seat on the corner of his desk. "Do you mind?" He sounded annoyed.

Shaking her head. "No, not really. Here." Handing him a wrapped rectangular box.

Looking up at her. "What's this?"

"A moving in present for you and Keiko since the two of you are moving in together." Katlyn smiled, getting excited a little.

"Umm thanks, I guess." As he opened the present.

It was a sheep chia pet, when he saw what it was he looked up at her like she was crazy. As if she was reading his mind. "Ya, I am crazy. But these things are so underrated trust me." Katlyn slid off the desk to go continue passing out invitations to her New Years' party.

Katlyn was in her office taking her lunch break and flipping threw a people's magazine. When Jordan popped in causing Katlyn to jump. "Hey, do you think you might have any clothes that might fit me?" Jordan asked her.

"Ya, I think we can help you out. But are you sure you want my help? It could be suicide." Katlyn said shaking her head yes.

"I know but I just feel in the mood for something nice to welcome the New Year. And right now I don't have that nice of outfits." Jordan then scrunched her eyebrows tilting her head. "We?" She asked realizing what Katlyn had said.

"Keiko and I, we're getting ready together."

"Cool, oh and not too eccentric," Jordan told her.

"Ya, I figured. I think between Keiko and me something can found for you. Even if we have to use her closet as well." Taking a bite of her lunch.

Jordan thanked her before leaving, later that day Katlyn ran into Nigel. "Hey, you're here late. I thought today was your half-day?" he asked

"It was but Lily was tired and wanted to leave early to get a nap before the party so we switched."

"Well, I was going to get something to eat with Bug after work wanna come?" He asked her.

"No, I am good. It's good that you still hang out with just you and your friends. I can't have you just all to myself all the time. Plus Keiko, I and Jordan are getting ready at my place after work. It takes a lot to make us look pretty." Katlyn smiled as they kissed each other on the check going their separate ways.

Katlyn met Keiko in the hall of their apartment, letting them both in. They were setting up when the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Keiko asked.

Walking to the door. "I don't know it's too early for Jordan to be here. She said she was going to be a little late." Katlyn finished as she opened the door. "Oh, thanks I forgot about this." She said as she paid the man.

"What is it?" Asked Keiko

"It's my dress I had made for the New Year's party." Katlyn walked to the bathroom to hang the dress up.

Jordan finally arrived, the two friends showed her all the many outfits they picked out for her. Some clothes were from Katlyn and some were from Keiko. "You know what, she looks like she is a twofer." Keiko realized after looking Jordan up and down.

"Twofer?" Jordan asked confused at the word.

"Meaning you fit in all my shirts but all Keiko's bottoms, like skirts, pants anything of that sort," Katlyn told her as she started switching some things up.

Hitting her like a ton of bricks. "Katlyn you know what she will look awesome in?" Keiko said as she walked to the door.

"What?" Putting her hands on her hips.

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