Frozen dinners and too big band tees

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"Daddy, I want that one." Cobain told Luke as the stood in front of the frozen dinners. "But it's got peas, you don't like peas." Luke told his 3 year old daughter. "But look," she pointed toward the box "it's got a chocolate in it." Luke looked at the Kid Cuisine. "How about this one? It's got chocolate in it too." he said as he grabbed the one with the chicken nuggets. "Fine." she said as she reached to grab the box from her dad.

"Mate, why don't you make her a dinner for once?" Ashton asked as he walked into the isle that Luke and Cobain were in. "Because, I don't want to tonight." he said as he reached for a random frozen dinner from himself. "And they don't have a stove or and oven, so I might as well use that microwave." Luke said as he reached down to pick up his daughter who was talking to herself about chicken nuggets.

"Luke, she eats out every night, you have got to make her a home cooked meal." Ashton continued his argument. "We have a week left of this tour, okay? When we get back to Australia I will make her home cooked meals ever damn night." Luke snapped, he was getting Irritated with Ashton, he just wanted to go back to the hotel and sleep. "Bad Word Daddy." Cobain singed as he pointed a finger at he dad. "Yeah Luke, bad word." Ashton scuffed.

"Carful baby, it hot." Luke warned Cobain as she rushed to eat her dinner. "Kay dada." she laughed as she blew, rather spit, all over her food. Luke shook his head laughing at his daughter as she continued to spit all over her food. "Let me do it." He sighed after watching her for a few minutes.

"Do you want bubbles?" Luke called from the bathroom. He sat, waiting for a response before he heard the little foot steps coming towards the door. "Of course dada." she said as she slipped out of her black leggings along side her One Direction tee that Uncle Niall insisted she had to have. Luke poured some bubble soap into the water and sat on the floor as Cobain splashed around laughing. "You're getting the floor wet baby doll." he laughed standing up and grabbing a towel to clean up the mess. "It's okay daddy, Uncle Cal can clean it up." she told him. "Oh Really? Is that how it works?" He said as he walked over to the toddler. He sat on the edge of the tub and dipped his hand in slushing the water around. "Yes. He told me that he cleans." She said as she patted the bubbles making them fly everywhere. "okay baby, lets get you out." He grabbed her pink plush towel that she insisted on always using and wrapped her small body.

He took her to the bedroom and sat her on the bed and dug through her suitcase trying to find something for her to wear. "LUKE?" he heard Michael yell in the hallway. "I'm dressing a child!" Luke yelled back, now becoming frustrated not being able to find a shirt for Cobain to wear. "I'm coming in." Michael warned before entering the hotel room. "Hey Kurt." Michael teased Cobain. He always seemed to call her that, saying that Cobain was the last name. "Uncle Mikey!" Cobain said happily. "What do you need?" Luke groaned as he finally grabbed one of his many Green Day shirts and tossing it over to Cobain who looked at it with raised eyebrows. "I have to do laundry, just wear that tonight." he told her as she shrugged and pulled it over her head. She jumped off the bed and ran to grab Luke's phone and somehow turned on Netflix.

"So anyway, what did you say you needed?" Luke asked sighing as he sat down next to his band mate. "I was just checking up on you two." he told him as he looked over at the three year old laying on her stomach watching Dragon Tails. "Hows she been doing?" Michael asked as he glanced over at his friend. "Shes good." Luke told him as stood up walking over to Cobain and picking her up. "shes got to go to bed. It's the last show tomorrow and we have to catch a flight right after." "What about you mate? When are you going to sleep?" Michael asked, concern lacing through is voice. "After shes asleep." Luke replied with a 'duh' tone. "Luke." "Michael." "Here, I'll take her for the night, when was the last time you got a proper rest?" "Erm, last night?" "Bullshit." "Fine, Michael, take my daughter and take care of her for the damn night, I don't care." Luke grunted. His temper was running out today, and if Michael stayed any longer, it was sure too.

"Okay, thats all. Go take a shower, and go to sleep. You're cranky." Michael laughed as he carried a half asleep toddler towards his room. "Yeah, yeah." Luke said as he closed the door.



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