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                           Colby's POV
( trigger warning )

" You've reached the voicemail box of DiDi Lopez. "
" Hey it's DiDi I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the phone right now. And if it's Colby then NO I WON'T SHARE MY BROWNIES GOD DAMN IT! "
" please leave a message after the tone "

I miss you.. I miss you DiDi. Why'd you leave. " Why'd you leave me? " I whisper dropping my phone on the pile of pictures. If you are wondering yes I'm home alone. Joe and Jon are working out and Renee went to Nicole's.

I sigh and stare at the pile of old pictures. They're all of me and Didi. Me and Didi when we were little up until the age of her death. Twenty one. She was only twenty one. She had so much to live for. I smile seeing a familiar picture. Me and Didi at my first ever match. Back in my Tyler Black days.

" And your winner! Tyler Black! " The announcer says as the bell rings. I won. I can't believe I won. The referee holds my arm up declaring me winner. I smile seeing AJ walk down the ramp and get in the ring. He wraps me in a big hug congratulating me on my win. The crowd screams making us chuckle. We get out the ring and walk backstage. As soon as I open the curtain my cousin Didi jumps on me tackling me to the floor. " Ahhh you did it big bro!! " she screams happily. I laugh and hug her back. " I'm so proud of you. Look at you and your dreams coming true! " she cries. I smile hugging her tighter tearing up because of how happy I am. She's right my dreams are coming true. In just a couple years I bet I'll be the face of the company. " I'm sorry I'm crying I'm just so proud " Didi says once she gets up. I stand up hugging her again. She wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. " Just wait in a few years you'll have your own training company I know it " she cries. I wipe my tears quickly not liking to cry in front of people. I hear a click of a camera making us both turn our heads to see AJ smiling at us holding up his camera. Didi flips him the middle finger making me chuckle. He just sticks his tongue out at her playful. " I love you bro I can't believe your dreams are coming true " Didi tells me. I smile. " Thank you sis. I love you and can't wait for you to see all what I'm going to accomplish. Promise you'll be there? " I ask her holding out my pinky to her. Pinky promises are something we've always done since we was in diapers. Even if it was something stupid like I would always let her use the bathroom first. Even though I of course didn't. But pinky promises are something we always do.
She smiles taking my pinky with hers.

" I promise "

But you lied... you aren't here. You aren't here to see what I've accomplished. Even my training company which you were so excited for.

" What will you call your company? " my cousin Didi ask me as she plops down on the couch next to me with our bucket of popcorn. I hum thinking taking a piece of popcorn. " Black and brave " I say after a few seconds. She nods. " How come? " she questions.
" Well black because of Tyler Black and brave because well I'm pretty fucking brave " I tell her making her scoff and roll her eyes. " Ok Mr. I peed myself on the Ferris wheel " she says. I gasp and she chuckles. " Well at least I did it bravely! " I defend. She just rolls her eye's and grabs her phone that is ringing.
" Who is is? " I question. She smile and shows me her phone screen. It's a video chat from the one and only Renee. Renee is Didi's best friend and mine two of course. I smile as she answers it. " Hey biachhh!! " Didi greets.
" Heyyy cunt! " Renee says. I laugh at their name calling. They seem to always call each other a different name on the phone. " Is that a Colby I hear? " Renee ask. Didi laughs and scoots closer to me so Renee can see me too. I wave shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth. " What are you two idiots up to? " Renee questions. Didi gives a light shrug. " Nothing much we are watching the paperview and talking about when Colby pissed himself on the Ferris wheel last year " Didi says making Renee laugh. " And I did it bravely! " I defend again. Renee claps. " Yes you did! " she says loudly from her laughing. I roll my eyes as they laugh. " Well I'm going to shower. I'll call you later " Renee says. I just wave goodbye being really interested in the paperview. " Love you and love you to COLBY! " Renee yells my name so I pay attention. I just wave again. " He's watching his boyfriend again don't worry he loves you too " Didi says earning a laugh from Renee. I feel a blush form on my face. Didi doesn't know I'm bisexual I haven't told her yet.

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