Jon's POV
( smut warning)

" I'm taking Joe back to the hotel " Renee tells me grabbing her purse. " No just go to Colby's " I tell her. She smiles at me.
" You are just going to hold me hostage forever aren't you " She ask and I nod. I hand her the key and she smiles and kisses me then walks over to Joe.

" Come on big guy we are going to the house you need rest and so do I " she says to him making Colby start freaking out and grabbing Joe.

" No no no no " Colby says crying pulling Joe to him. I quickly stand up walking to Colby's side. Damn Joe must of really scared him with this killing himself shit. " He stay here. He safe here " Colby says and Joe hugs him. I look at Renee and she signals me to follow her.We step out into the hallway.

" What the fuck did he say to him holy shit? " She ask me.
" Yeah I don't know but he's fucking terrified. " I tell her.
" I feel as if I need to get Joe away from him so that when Colby comes home in the morning he knows Joe's ok " She says and I sigh.
" Alright but sleep in the same room as him and hide my gun " I tell her.
" You really think he was serious? I've never heard Joe ever talk about shit like that " She says.
" You never know. " I tell her. We walk back and Colby's still freaking out.

" Colby it's ok. He'll be with my the whole time I won't let him out my sight " Renee tells him.
" No no no don't leave me " Colby says to Joe. Fuck this might be harder then I thought.

" Ok " Joe says to himself and grabs Colby making him look at him. " Colby listen to me. I will not shoot myself I promise you. I'll be there when you come home ok? I promise " Joe tells him and Colby calms down a little. " Fuck thank the Lord " Renee whispers. " What if I can't sleep? " Colby ask him. " Then call me. I'll answer I promise " Joe assures him.

" I'll be right next to you to Colby " I tell him. " And so will Kevin "
" Ok fine " Colby says and hugs the life outta Joe. I turn to Renee and kiss her quickly.
" Go before he changes his mind " I tell her and she chuckles and they walk out. I sigh and sit in the bed next to Colby.

" What if he shoots himself? " Colby ask me about to cry again. I grab Kevin from the end of the bed and put him on Colby's lap. Kevin always cheers him up. I think he might be Colby's mental help dog.
" He won't I promise you " I tell Colby and he lays down cuddling Kevin. He tried grabbing the blankets but gives up after he can't reach them. I chuckle to myself and cover him with the blankets and soon he's asleep.

What the hell did Joe say to him?

                            Renee POV

" Holy hell that was a job " I say laying back on Jon's bed. We choose Jon's room to sleep in since it has a pull out couch that Joe's laying on right now. He hasn't said anything since saying bye to Colby. I'm starting to think Joe was serious about whatever he told Colby about killing himself. I look up and see the gun box. I get up and grab it sending Jon a text.

Me: where should I put the gun?
Jon: um go all the way to the attic and hide it behind all the boxes in the closet.
Me: holy fuck Colby's that scared he's gonna do it?
Jon: Colby's asleep. I'm just scared because of how scared Colby was and the lack of Joe telling Colby he wouldn't do it
Me: Joe hasn't said a word since saying bye to Colby
Jon: just keep a eye on him
Me: I am

I get up and walk to the attic. I find the closet he was talking about and open it shoving the gun box behind the boxes. I walk back to the room and see Joe still laying there.

" Where'd you go? " he ask.
" Just seeing if I wanted to steal some of their food " I tell him. He chuckles a bit the  goes back to not talking.
" Joe? " I ask him.
" Yeah? " He ask.
" What did you say to Colby to scare him like that? " I ask.
He stays quiet making me think he wasn't going to answer.

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