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Tzuyu's Pov
I hate having to go with Sana everywhere that she goes. It's always Sana this and Sana that and I just wish that I could get away from her.

Sana and I are not really that close but we're somewhat friends and enemies at the same time so you could probably say that we're frenemies.

But between us we are different like I'm more uptight and Sana is more bubbly and cutesy and totally not my type if that's what you're thinking.

I go downstairs for a little while and the next thing that I hear is Sana screaming my name so loud that her my neighbors can probably hear it.

I groaned then go back upstairs to see her in the corner shaking and scared and I do admit that she seemed pretty cute but I'm not going to tell her.

"What is it?" I asked.

"T-there's something in the.." Sana stuttered.

I go to look and there was nothing there that made me slightly angry because she made me come back up here for nothing.

"Sana there is nothing in the bathtub." I said.

"But there was and I saw it with my own two eyes!" Sana argued.

"(Sighs) look if I say that there's nothing in the bathtub then there isn't so drop it alright." I said.

"No." Sana refused.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I will not drop it." Sana said.

She always gets like this when I don't believe what she says and I clearly don't believe that there was something so scary in the bathtub that it scared her.

She was looking at me as if she was waiting for me to reply and I didn't want to start another fight with her but I can't make any more promises.

"Enough Sana and just drop it already." I said.

"Like I said no." Sana refused once more.

"Then you leave me no choice." I said.

Sana looked at me confused and I took her to the bedroom and well you know what came next.

"Ow! It hurts!" Sana screamed.

"Maybe you should be a good girl and not refuse what I tell you to do so." I said.

I kept spanking Sana and she screamed a lot then I expected but this is what she gets for being such a spoiled little brat like she always is with me.

"I'm sorry! Please stop! I'll be a good girl mommy!" Sana screamed.

I smirked and that was good enough for me to stop what I was doing to her and she glared at me while rubbing her sore bum.

"You look adorable like that but that's not going to make things better sweetie." I said.

"You know I hate being spanked as my punishment." Sana pouted.

"Yes I do know that but you deserved it anyway." I said.

Sana rolled her eyes and went downstairs to watch tv as I felt this slight urge from her calling me mommy.

She never calls me that but only when she's begging for something much more than spankings.

Could this be? Am I having sexual thoughts about Sana?

"Tzuyu! We have no more cheese kimbap!" Sana screamed.

"I cannot let her know that I'm having sexual thoughts about her or she'll tease me because of it." I said.

"Tzuyu!" Sana screamed.

"What? Going to the store right now Sana!" I said.

Phew..that was a close one.

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