True love or heart breaks

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Sana's Pov
"You're asking me to break up with Jungkook so you can be with me?" I asked. Tzuyu nods and I thought over what just happened just now. "It's the only way and besides Jungkook won't even miss you anyway." Tzuyu said. I looked at her and said "do you even realize what you're saying?! If I do break up with Jungkook then he will miss me and want to hurt you and I can't have that."

"Geez when you put it that way you make it sound bad." Tzuyu said. "That's because it is bad! I'm sorry Tzuyu but I'm not breaking up with Jungkook just so you can claim me as yours." I said. Tzuyu looked down and stood up. "I am fine with how you feel but I am not fine with you being with him instead of me." Tzuyu said. Before I could even say anything she left and I felt even more horrible than ever.

My phone rings and I picked it up to hear Jungkook's voice. "Hey Jungkook." I said. "Hey listen Sana there's something that I need to tell you." Jungkook said. Before he could tell me I hear another girl's voice in the background. "Who was that? Jungkook who the hell is with you right now?!" I said. "That's what I needed to talk to you about." Jungkook said. "Then start talking before I come over there and start another scene!" I said. Jungkook was telling me everything after the incident with Tzuyu walking in on us doing you know. "So after you had left with Tzuyu I decided to go out with another girl without you knowing." Jungkook said.

I didn't say anything and felt immediately double broken-hearted after I heard him say that he went out with another girl. "Babe who is that you're talking to?" The girl asked. "It's just my ex Sana." Jungkook said. Then I hear the girl's voice coming closer and closer to the phone. "Listen I don't like it when you're around my Jungkook so why don't you just back off and leave us alone alright." The girl said. "You don't have to worry about me anymore because Jungkook and I are threw." I said and hung up the phone.

I was crying my feelings out and then I felt arms wrapped around me to know that it was Tzuyu. I cried into her shirt as she caressed my hair trying to comfort me. "I'm sorry.." I murmured. "It's going to be alright. Now that you're free you won't have to deal with Jungkook anymore." Tzuyu said. I lift myself up from Tzuyu's grasp and stared into her eyes. "You're right because I have you with me." I said and kissed Tzuyu.

She puts her hand against my cheek and I felt so much love into the kiss that I already forgotten about Jungkook. Tzuyu made me realize that all this time of being friends and enemies at the same time was just because we wanted each other. I can actually be happy without even having to think about Jungkook. I now don't need anyone anymore except for Tzuyu.

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