Psycho stalker pt. 2

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Jungkook's Pov
Everything was just going according to plan and not one split sign of Tzuyu anywhere which means that I'm finally going to have my way.

I was awake staring up at the ceiling with an evil smirk on my face knowing that I was going to be the winner in this plan of mine.

"Jungkook? Er... why are you smirking like that?" Jimin asked. "Oh, nothing. I'm just happy that's all." I said. Jimin looked at me closely but bought it anyway. "Well, we're going out for a little while so do you want anything." Jimin said. "I'm fine." I said then he left and I went down to the basement to check up on my beautiful girlfriend.

Once I opened the door I smiled and untied the ropes that were around her then took her to some place that was very sacred and secret to everyone.

"Where are you taking me?" Sana asked. I didn't respond and this time instead of ropes I used handcuffs so that she couldn't go anywhere. "Why are you handcuffing me against the bed?" Sana asked. Again I didn't respond and took the key to the handcuffs and put them some place else. "What is going on here Jungkook?!" Sana yelled. "My plan is going perfectly and soon you will be mine and Tzuyu will be out of the picture soon my darling." I said.

"What is you talking about?" Sana asked. I chuckled and looked at Sana with a crazy look in my eyes. "I'm getting back What was rightfully mine and if Tzuyu does anything to stop me then I will just have to take dramatic measures." I explained. Sana stares at me like I was crazy and indeed I am crazy but crazy for her. I come towards her to caress her cheek and look into her eyes with a soft and gentle smile. "I'm only doing this for you Sana not to hurt you or Tzuyu but we all know that I can make love to you better than Tzuyu ever did." I said.

After that I left and locked the basement door then went on to mess with Tzuyu a little bit.

Tzuyu's Pov
"Sana!" I yelled but no answer. I was in the middle of the woods trying to find any sign and sight of Sana or Jungkook. "Sana! Please answer me!" I yelled again but to no avail. I continued to look again but found myself being led to Jungkook.

"What are you doing here and where did you put Sana?" I asked determined. "Sana is in a safe place right now and I think that it was time for you and I to have a little chat." Jungkook said. "Like I would ever want to have a conversation with you." I said. "I knew you would say that so I decided to play a little game with you." Jungkook said.

I didn't know what kind of game that he was talking about that's until he started getting closer to me and his aura changed completely.

"You see I was the one that Sana loves and so I would always be there for her but then you came and ruined all that for me. I was happy but now I can't even bare myself to look at you anymore." Jungkook said. I was confused of what he was implying but then it was starting to make sense for me. "All I wanted was to have Sana back in my arms and you did the opposite of that. You would never understand how I felt when Sana broke my heart to be with you." Jungkook said. "I understand your pain and your suffering but I would never stoop down this low just to have someone you truly love back in your arms." I said.

Jungkook looks at me and smirks but then his smirk quickly changed to a frown.

I backed away from him in case he did anything out of the ordinary since he really couldn't be trusted.

But he continued to get close to me until I was backed against a tree and see him holding a knife in his hand.

I knew that this would be the end of me but I was willing to fight for my sake and for Sana's sake.

"Sana belongs to me. She doesn't love you anymore. She loves ME! You will never have Sana to YOURSELF! I wish that you were never in Sana's life to BEGIN WITH!" Jungkook yelled. He started to stab me in the stomach but I did my best to dodge until I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and everything was starting to turn black for me. "You should've learned to not take what was rightfully not yours Tzuyu. You should've left Sana's life instead of staying with her." Jungkook said.

Jungkook left and I laid there flat and waited until my life was fully gone.

I failed you Sana and I'm sorry Jungkook for all the pain that I have caused you.

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