Psycho stalker

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Jungkook's Pov
I waited until morning to spy on my beloved Sana and plotting my revenge against Tzuyu. They still won't know what had hit them once I'm through with getting what was rightfully mine. I sneak my way over to Tzuyu's place without getting caught of course.

Once I seen my Sana sleeping like a beautiful angel I couldn't take my eyes off her as I smirked and carefully took Sana out of Tzuyu's arms and ran off to some place where no one can find us. This is a lesson for Tzuyu because I always get what I want.

Tzuyu's Pov
I wake up to see that Sana wasn't beside me so I thought that she was probably with her friends but that wasn't the case at all.

No one has seen Sana nor had heard from Sana and I am starting to become worried for her so I tried contacting her phone but no answer which leaves me off to the one person who would really kidnap Sana.

Jeon Jungkook.

He seemed pretty upset when Sana broke up with him because of me and really wanted to teach me a lesson so obviously it would have been him.

But I can't believe I let him slip through my fingers and take Sana while I was asleep. I must go figure out where he must've taken Sana and bring her back to where she belongs.

Sana's Pov
I wake up to an unfamiliar place and tried to stand but I was tied against some chair I think and saw a familiar looking figure in the shadows.

"It's nice to see that you're awake and beautiful as ever." Jungkook said. "Where am I?! Where is Tzuyu?! I swear if you did something to her!" I yelled. "Relax I did nothing to your precious little Tzuyu. All I did was take you and bring you here where no one can find us. Especially Tzuyu." Jungkook said. I struggled to get myself free and Jungkook seemed to have noticed. "Don't even bother because if you do try to get free then I will not hold back and kill Tzuyu." Jungkook said. "I won't let that happen!" I yelled. "Then I advise for you to stop trying to break free or I will kill Tzuyu and we will be together forever and ever." Jungkook said.

Man I really wish Tzuyu was here because I would also really want to show Jungkook who's boss.

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