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My P.O.V

Valt was eating bey bread with Cuza and Rantaro. It never failed to remind him of home and his early childhood. Wakiya stopped by like she always does she then was talking about a place called the Snake Pit when Chris called on the loudspeaker "Valt please come to my office" valt sprang up with Cuza following her running to Chris's office also the meeting room.

They got there to see free standing with Chris she looked serious but when she saw Cuza she had free cover her ears (Cuza is a girl) Chris then said " we got a request from the raging bulls it will be free against redeye. But if free wins they'll leave BC Sol alone but if redeye wins they get You".

Valt P.O.V

I stood there thinking then she asked: "We haven't said yes yet because we wanted your permission". I thought for a second "yes I do I believe in free so you can say yes" then free took his hands off of Cusa's ears we walked out and she asked what it was about I just told her Chris needed to tell me something than out of now where clio came and scared Cuza then he pushed her saying "I need to talk to Cuza"

They came back then out of nowhere the two scariest people I met or three were in one place clio and cloe the vampires and Daigo his aura was still black then cloe said "we came here for clio" while ducking on the straw to the drink she was drinking which made Cuza grab Clio's arm I tried slipping away but Daigo grabbed my hoodie.

After that we all sat down until nightfall then Daigo, me, honcho and wakiya went to mine and honchos room wakiya slept on honchos bed and Daigo said he'd sleep on the floor when Cuza clio and cloe came in Cuza put up a blanket hammock cloe slept next to me on my bed clio slept on the floor with diago with the extra blankets.

I woke up to the creek. When the door opened it was Chris she did this often she'd checked if I was asleep if I wasn't she would take me outside to play under the stars.

When we got outside I spun around so much I got tired

We played so much I fell asleep. I woke up In my room then wakiya burst in telling me about the battle. We got outside and saw redeye he was standing across from free when I and wakiya ran up to Daigo and honcho he looked at me. We watched the fight free was doing good then it got serious when " burst finish redeye wins".......... "I I I'm leaving" they all stared at me then I couldn't hold it I burst into tears and ran to my room I locked it since it was also honchos room. I laid there crying into my pillow when someone knocked it was chris and free "valt let us in please" "no go away I dont wanna go" then cuza spoke " valt please let us in we all wanna talk to you" "no if I do I'll never see you again" then the door opened Chris had some keys free came over and said "I'm sorry valt I let you down" I didnt care that the raging bulls were good but I loved BC Sol chris and free left letting honcho, daigo,wakiya, and cuza come in cuza jumped on me kicking her legs while whining "I dont want you to go" then wakiya yelled at me saying " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING NOW WERE GOING T TO LOOSE OUR F FRIEND" and turned around trying not to cry it made me laugh a bit but I was still sad then honcho walked over and smiled "ok valt I'll make a promise well find you and bring you back to BC Sol" I hugged him which turned into a group hug.

I packed all my stuff rantaro was going to let Cuza stay in his room until they got me back do he wouldn't be lonely.

I got on a plane with redeye and sat in a chair and stared out the window watching the town below I wanted to cry but I was in a plane with no on ed I knew to comfort me it was just so sad that town was were kit found me and were valtryek got evolved I and were I beat Silas.

We got to America and went inside the place of the raging bull I didn't like it at all. We were walking when redeye said, "give me your bey" I was shocked I couldn't give him my partner who knows what they'll do to him I immediately said no which made him mad.

After a while he got valtryek I I had tears in my eyes then he came and told me that he didn't want me for blading so he would take valtryek I immediately grabbed my Bey and give him a glare when he said "you belong to us you were won in a bet after all" my eyes widened then I thought what if I never see them again then a huge pain came over me and lights out.

My P.O.V

When valt woke up she was in a room valtryek was on a drawer all her clothes were in it the bed was comfy and the rug was so soft the ceiling had glitter all over it and some painted stars but those were the things she liked she liked to lie under the stars with her friends and the bed was almost exactly like hers at home. The only one who could know what her bed looked like and her love for stars was shu but he was missing.

She then layed back down sad she checked her phone and it was midnight that was the time Chris would come into her room it was now 1:00 a.m when the door opened.

She closed her eyes but quickly setting down her phone recording then someone walked over to the bed and put something on the mini table/drawer next to her the grabbed valtryek.

She couldn't see what this person did with her Bey but the "chu~" this person did the same thing shu did when he thought she was asleep but she doubted it was him he kissed her hand but then the unexpected this person kissed her on the lips she turned red.

Red eye P.O.V

Oh no shes awake but why I knew all the times shu kurani kissed her hand she was awake but now I redeye am In love with the person shu kurani loved how did I fall for him well how couldn't I shes perfect any other guy or a girl can find someone else when I redeye was born I still loved her but I wanted her to myself.

Now I have her in a box only I can enter no other boy can touch my valt if you think I'm a yandere I'm not I just am lovesick I know she loved shu and will never love me I mean I'm redeye when she ran up to those boys smiling my heart broke not from sadness I broke because I couldnt take how cute she was.

I stood there for a second then left outside to get some air ashtem was staring at me then said "my it looks as if you've fallen and fallen hard you said shu was dead yet you love the person he loved" I scoffed at him " shu kurani is dead I just love the person he loves.

My P.O.V

Valt impatiently opened her eyes when redeye left and grabbed her phone a realized the person put valtryek in a little case with a clear lid she watched her recording surprise to see redeye then she blushed harder when she noticed him blush under his mask she realized she was blushing and he must have noticed she was super tired and went to sleep.


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