shu is redeye

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VAlt P.O.V

It's been 7 years since the incident happened ashtem hosted a bladers cup it's been on tv I was scared to go so I stayed home.

(After watching free win)

. . . . . . . . why. . . . . . .its . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Shu P.O.V

I finally have been beaten I can live my life again thank you free de la hoya.

I was on my way back home happy
( ok so in this free beat shu instead of valt) when wakiya, Daigo, and rantaro stopped me and said " valt doesn't want to see you" I felt broken like I wanted to kill someone I wanted to find out why then they said " but she said give her a day" I felt my heart get warm again.

I got off the plane and went home and just laid on my bed.

My P.O.V

Valt sat next to his bed( I changed it remember) his face red he kissed his best friend he went to get a glass of water when I found one of his sibling's old fairytale books it was "little red riding hood " he thought to himself
" what if the wolf was a werewolf and could become human a loved little red riding hood and what if little red riding hood was a boy?"

"Ooohhhh do you love somebody"

Valt realized he was thinking out loud and talking he turned to see his little sister then said " no leave me alone" and left to his room.

Valt thought and thought then said "ok I'll just act as nothing happened"

That didnt end so well. . . . . . . . . . .

Shu had a knife in his hand covered in blood who's blood well ashtems

Valt acted as nothing happened but redeye asked him and valt said: " yeah but you didn't mean it heh well I got to go I can't be with my best friend forever."

So he got angry at ashtem taking most of his life away.

Valt P.O.V

Omg"S shu w why are you covered I in blood" shu was covered head to toe in blood his silvery-white hair was tainted with made me scared his eyes were emotionless he had Gloves on so whatever he used had none or someone else's fingerprints.

I grabbed shu and took him in my house my mom and the twins went on a vacation I'm sick so I'm here I ran and told him to take the bloody clothes off then there was a knock I washed his hand for him the tried getting upstairs then a voice said " hey valt you there" it was free he then went to the kitchen shu grabbed a knife I thought he was going to kill free but he faced it towards his chest I pulled and pulled trying hard to not let it touch his chest he then said " you love someone else I can't live anymore you hate me now I have to die.

I stood in shock what is wrong with him I put him upstairs then opened the door free looked normal always with a Pokerface expression like a doll he gave me the medicine I asked him to get I made an excuse that I was asleep then he left I rushed upstairs to find shu on the floor sitting like he was a doll I coughed he didn't flinch he was like well dead I went to the computer in my dads room and searched for an answer then one came up I searched it  I was shocked that this could really happen

My P.O.V

Valt rushed to shu and started helping him take his clothes of he took his pants and shirt off than lead shu to the bathroom.

Valt took the rest of Shu's clothes fo the washer he heard the water running then went in took his underwear and leaving knew clothes he left at his house.

He put the clothes to wash hoping the blood would come out then went back to sleep he woke up being hugged by shu it felt warm he looked at his face peacefully sleeping his hair now a whitish silver again he couldn't see a yandere in him but knew it was true.

The next day

Valt wake up to see Toko and Nika looking at them then Nika started singing " valt and shu sitting in a tree k-I-s-s- I-n-g first comes love second come marriage last comes a baby in a baby carriage (ok I know what your thinking but in this valt has reproductive organs and his family and shu know it) he whispered take it back shooting a death glare at Nika then she said " g- n - i - s - s - I - k" then ran out of the room with Toko.

Ge then laid back down to see shu with his eyes open almost screaming when shu stopped him then shu closed his eyes again.

Shu P.O.V

A dream it was of me and valt I pictured valt holding my hand but it didn't stop there he cried on my shoulder I wanted to comfort him but I couldn't I could just sit there doing nothing

A dream it was of me and valt I pictured valt holding my hand but it didn't stop there he cried on my shoulder I wanted to comfort him but I couldn't I could just sit there doing nothing

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