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"Ne, will you be leaving again?" The little girl asked.

The little boy thought about it for a while and shook his head firmly with a smile on his face, "Nah. My parents said they are going to settle down here, so I'm not going to have to move houses again."

The girl's smile beamed, her whole face was smiling, her eyes couldn't be seen because of how wide her smile was, "Really?!"

She hugged him in excitement, extremely happy that her only friend wouldn't be leaving her.

"Hey! Stop making fun of her!" The boy stood in front of the little girl with his hands stretched out, protecting her from the bullies.

"Tch." The bullies clicked their tongues and walked off.

He turned around to see that the girl's hair all messed up because of the bullies pushing her around. He noticed that she had gotten her knee injured from falling down. He felt incredibly angry to see that people would do such a thing to someone else when no harm was done to them.

He held a hand for her and said with a small smile, "Let's get you to the infirmary."

The little girl said nothing, but showed him a smile.


"Why do I keep having these dreams? They're horrible... especially since I'm always waking up with a headache after." I held my head and winced in pain occasionally.

I did look around my room and asked if anyone had medicine to help with the pain, but no one had medicine on them, so I'm forced to bear with this pain until I manage to get some medicine.

I sat in the library alone, with my stuff out to study, but the pain has yet to subside so I'm unable to study properly. Even if I tried, nothing's going into my head. I flipped my phone so that the screen was facing up to check the time.

Have I been in the library for that long?

It was already almost time for dinner and I've been receiving a couple of messages from my dorm mates asking for my whereabouts. I unlocked my phone and sent a message to Koharu-chan.

'Koharu-chan, I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm just packing up my stuff from the library.'

'Okay Yume-chan, take your time.'

I quickly packed up my stuff and rushed back to the dorm. I made it just it time as Koharu-chan was setting up the table. I went up to my room to put down my stuff and changed into comfortable clothing before heading back down.

"Yume-chan, are you feeling better?" Koharu-chan asked, referring to my headaches.

I laughed sheepishly and shrugged, "I'm alright. It still hurts though, I'm not quite sure why it's not going away. Probably a night's worth of rest might help?"

Everybody soon came down for dinner, all complaining to me that it was my fault that dinner was delayed because I wasn't back yet.

"Sorry guys, I totally lost track of time."

I caught Subaru looking at me, but I just continued eating my dinner. Why on Earth is he staring at me? Does he need something from me? Or did I do something wrong?

I kicked him under the table which earned me a glare from him.

I looked at him and raised my brow, asked, "What?"



I was in my room after dinner, lying on my bed to rest when I heard a door knock. Too lazy to get up, I just grabbed my phone and unlocked the door with it, from my bed. Into the room stepped my neighbour Subaru.

"You just ate, don't lie down." was the first thing he said to me upon entering my room.

I rolled over to face him, I stared at him and said, "Did you need something?"

He rolled his eyes and threw a small box at me, I caught it just in time before it hit the ground. I looked at what he threw at me and turns out it was medicine for my headache. I watched him get a cup of water which he then handed it to me.


I looked at him, why is he suddenly giving me medicine? He said he didn't have any when I asked him this morning...

I took the medicine and asked him, "I thought you didn't have any this morning."

He shrugged and made his way out of my room, not before saying, "I didn't."

I just sat there, watching the door closed.

That made no sense at all.

[To be continued...]

Written on: 12 July 2019

Another update! And I'm on time. Are you proud of me? I know I am. Lol.

Anyways, follow me on Instagram for sneak peek if you want (if you don't want to, that's fine too). Name's strawberry_ensemble.

Next update: 27 July 2019

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