Juu Ni

370 15 1


"Please seat according to your seat numbers. I will now be handing out the examination papers." The invigilator said.

I took my seat in the classroom, the first seat, next to the door. The teacher placed the exam paper in front of me. I stared at the familiar cover page. Everything is the same except for the date of the exam.

"Please take note that you are not allowed to bring in any electronic device that is able to take in information or photographs, or is able to interact. If you do, please surrender it to me immediately. If you are found with any kind of device that is able to do anything stated earlier, it will be deemed as an act of dishonesty. It will be dealt with severely.

You will be given an hour and forty-five minutes. No extra time will be given to read the paper."

I looked at the clock, I've got a few more minutes before this paper starts. Also, let's not forget the fact that the whole purpose I've prepared a lot more than usual is because I have to score higher than Subaru.

Just so that I can prove myself to be "rightfully first".

How stupid. As if being challenged by every single student wasn't enough.

"You may start working on your papers."

Here we go.


"How'd you do Yume?" Laura asked me.

I've been sitting here for quite a while by myself. I was waiting for them to finish so we could go and have lunch. I scooped up a spoonful of rice and replied normally, "It was alright."

"I'm quite tired though. I concentrated a lot more than I usually do. I think I even made a new record." I pointed out, followed by a yawn.

Wow, I must be really tired.

Subaru came out 15 minutes after I finished. He looked pretty satisfied with how he did from the looks of it when he left the venue. I had to sit with him until the rest were done.

I was really tempted to walk away and be alone until Laura and the others were done because it was so awkward. But I didn't because I didn't want to seem rude.

"How did you guys do?" I asked, changing the topic away from me.

"I think I made a mistake or two. So the third place won't be mine this time round." Mahiru said.

The rest started talking about the answers they had for the respective questions, or laugh at their own mistakes after figuring it out with the group.

I didn't have much to talk about, partly because I'm just mentally tired from all the concentration. Another reason is because I know that I did my best. If I can't keep my first place, then I can't keep it.

But, I honestly don't think I'm going to lose it. Heh.


I looked at my phone screen, with a contact number showing on the screen. My fingers hovered over the call button, I hesitated before pressing it.

I've spent my last 10 minutes trying to decide whether I should give them a call or not, since they might be busy.

"Agh. Why am I even so hesitant about this? It's not like I'm going to commit a crime or anything."

Shaking my head firmly to push all the unnecessary thoughts aside, I pressed the call button.

Ring ring...

Ring ring...

As every ring I heard went by, I started to think that the receiver wasn't going to pick up their phone. Not until there was a reply when I was about to hang up.


I put the phone back to my ears, relieved that they picked up. But at the same time, I was super nervous. I haven't talked to them in ages.

"Hello. I apologize for not calling sooner after I have returned." I gulped and said through the phone.

"Oh! It IS you! It's been such a long time!"

"Haha... Yeah..." I laughed nervously, still feeling quite awkward.

"You should come over for dinner tonight! My husband and I will be home tonight for once." She suggested suddenly, taking me off guard.

Should I? I mean, I was originally planning that anyways. Let's just take up on their offer.

"I'll take up on your offer then."


I stood in front of the huge house. It looks the same after so long, seeing this house brings back so much memories.

I reached for the doorbell, but just as I was about to press it. The door slammed open and out came Yume's mother. That door slam made me jump a bit though, to be honest. She ran over and gave me a friendly hug, I did the same in exchange.

"Good evening Nijino-san." I greeted her.

"You can just drop the formalities Yuuki-kun. It's been such a long time! Come in!" She gestured me to step into the house.

I took a deep breath before stepping in. It feels a bit wrong stepping into Yume's house without her knowing.

But I need my answers.

Sorry Yume, but no harm done.

[To be continued...]

Written on: 11 August 2019



*Kneels down and begs for forgiveness*

Anyways, the story is going to start getting interesting from the next chapter on! LOOK FORWARD TO IT!

And I know some said that updating every two weeks is a bit long. So let's change it up a bit shall we? 

I will upload every Saturday, but the chapter length will vary. The quality ain't gonna drop though. Sometimes the chapter might be just a filler. But I know some of you are looking forward to reading it, so I'll do my utmost to write a satisfactory chapter!

See ya in the next chapter! I wonder what Subaru needs answers to? (I'm sure most of you can guess though :/)

Next update: 24 August 2019

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