The Wand

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Carlos's Point Of View

I can't believe I did that. It was like some invisible force made me do it. Y/N drives me crazy. I don't let the others know, but she does. I felt a blush creep into my cheeks as I stared down at the wand. I felt something wet on my hand and looked down. Y/N in wolf form, nudging my hand. Chuckling softly, I pet her head.

"Whoo!" Jay yelled. He ran through a gate, and we followed. I opened the other gate and let the others go first. Y/N waited for me, and I smiled at her. We dashed down the stairs and stood around the wand. A railing surrounded it, so Y/N put her paws up on it and panted.

"Jay, don't!" Mal yelled. Jay ducked under the railing and reached for the wand.

"Wait, no! Don't!" Jay touched a force field and got blasted back. An alarm went off, and both Y/N and Eli changed back into humans so they could cover their ears.

"A force field and a siren?!" I called over the alarm.

"That's just a little excessive!" Jay said, getting up. I grabbed Y/N's hand and ran out of the room, the rest of them following my actions. We ran down the stairs and towards the doors once again. I heard a phone ringing, so I answered it, still holding Y/N's hand.

Your Point Of View

My head hurt. The sirens were so loud. I couldn't think straight. Carlos answered a phone, but my brain couldn't comprehend what he was saying. My head is gonna hurt so bad tomorrow. Carlos hung up and began to walk towards the door. The alarms were off.

"Carlos! Y/N!"

"You're welcome!" Carlos replied. He dashed out of the museum, my hand still in his.

Don't disappoint me.

I heard Dad's voice in my head. We didn't get the wand.

"Way to go, Jay! Now we have to go to school tomorrow!" Mal exclaimed. We stopped running, and began to walk. My ears were ringing slightly and I stared at the ground. My boots had grass stains. Great. I glanced up and saw Eli smirking.

"What, Eli?"


"No, really. What is it?" His eyes traveled down my arm. My own e/c eyes followed his gaze. I shut them tightly and sighed loudly as I saw that Carlos was still holding my hand. He smiled at me, and my heart began to beat faster.

Gosh, that smile. I don't think anyone can resist it. He's so cute... Wait? What am I thinking? I'm rotten to the core. I don't have feelings like this. Stop it, Y/N!

I felt my cheeks heat up, so I looked down at the ground as we walked. The weird thing is that I didn't pull my hand out of his grasp. What was wrong with me?

The rest of the walk was silent. I'd glance over at Carlos, but then he'd look at me, and I'd look back at the ground.

*Time Skip brought to you by Trivago*

We creeped through the halls, careful not to make a sound. I took a step, and the floor creaked. I winced slightly at the sound.

"Come on," Carlos whispered. I nodded and followed him down the hallway.

"Hey, can I stay in your dorm? I don't want to wake Ariana up."

"If course, Y/N," Carlos replied. If it wasn't dark, you could have seen me blush. He unlocked the door and I walked inside. Jay fell straight asleep on his bed, and Carlos sat next to me. We were silent, staring at each other's shoes.

"So, about what happened at the museum..." I began.

"Listen, I'm so sorry about that. I don't know what came over me or why I did that," Carlos replied.

"No, it's okay. Really. Actually," I breathed. "I actually kind of liked it." Carlos looked at me, his eyes wide, mouth opened slightly.


"Really." He grinned and wrapped his arm behind my neck.

*Time Skip to morning*

"WAKE UP!" I jolted awake to see Jay, standing over me.

"Oh, hey Jay," I mumbled. My eyes traveled over and saw Carlos, smiling at me. I felt my face heat up as I stood.

"I-I should go," I said, leaving the room. Once I got outside, I leaned my head against the door and chuckled softly.

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