New Days

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First of all, I just wanna say Happy Birthday, Cameron Boyce! It is sad that you are not here with us, but we will forever remember you in our hearts and will remember you forever. ❤️💔 Pretty sure by now, you know of the song above, but I'm putting it there anyways. It has nothing to do with this chapter, but whatever.


Y/N walked with her brother, Eli down the hallways of Auradon Prep with Eli's new friend, Ruby Hood - daughter of Red Riding Hood - surprise, surprise. Ruby was very pretty and quite kind. Eli was taking a liking to her. Taylor, Eli's old roommate was on a trip with his parents for who knows how long. Audrey was also on a trip with the fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, so they didn't have to deal with her.

Y/N had forgotten the whole "love potion" incident from the year before, and as far as she knew, so did Carlos. But something about him still made her heart race. Over time, she had also met some other AK's, who seemed to be cool. Like Gigi, daughter of the Genie, Emma, daughter of Elsa, and Chloe, daughter of Cinderella and the prince. Emma was her closest friend out of the three. She wasn't like other Auradon kids, she was rebellious, much like a VK.

The school was abuzz with conversations about Cotillion and Mal becoming a Lady of the Court. It was sickening. Sure, Y/N wanted to go, but the people were making such a fuss about it. All Y/N wanted to do was go back to the Isle and see her dad. Maybe steal a few things. Maybe intimidate Uma and her crew a bit. She was the only one of her group of VK's to successfully intimidate and/or scare Uma's pirates. What if she lost her touch?

"Y/N!" Eli yelled. Y/N shook her head, her furry tail twitching slightly. Her eyes flashed blue for a split second before she growled at Eli.


"I have to go to practice. You coming?"

"Yeah. Why not?" she replied. The two of them waved goodbye to Ruby and headed to the training area. Jay was already there, along with Carlos and the others. Y/N went to sit down, not really paying attention as she placed earbuds in her ears and pulled out a book. She didn't really care about their training until she glanced up and saw Lonnie take off one of the helmets.

"Woo! Yeah, Lonnie!" Jane cheered, clapping. Chad scoffed and pulled out a rulebook and turned to a page, pointing to the content.

"Section 2, paragraph 3, 11-4. 'A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men.' Hmm? Why don't you read the rule book?" Chad biased in Lonnie's face.

"Okay, yeah, but you're down a man! I mean, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff."

"Exactly. We're down a man."


Jay sighed, glancing at Lonnie apologetically, "I'm sorry. Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book."

"If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war."

Chad scoffed, "Okay. Rule book. Rule book." Y/N stood and transformed into her wolf form, stalking up to Chad and growling deeply. Chad turned and looked down at her, a glare evident on his face. She barked and lept up at him. Chad screamed like a little girl and ran away. Y/N changed back into her human form and laughed loudly, holding her stomach as she did.

Jay began laughing too as the rest of the team began to leave. Y/N felt a pat on her shoulder as Jay left the room. Carlos approached her cautiously, with the intent of asking her something. He was always so nervous around her.

"Hey, Y/N," he said.

"Oh, hi Carlos," she smiled.

"Would you maybe like to, um..."

"Y/N!" Jane called.

"Hey, Jane! Do you need something?"

"Yeah, I'm I just need some help with Cotillion stuff. Could you help me?"

Y/N looked to Carlos sadly, "Sorry, Carlos. I gotta go. We'll talk later, okay?"

"Yeah. Talk to you later..." Carlos muttered, looking down at his shoes. Y/N wanted to say something else, but instead just pushed her thoughts aside, and went to help Jane.

A/N: Tada!!! The long awaited start to Descendants 2!! I am so, so sorry it has taken me so long...... I was stressing, and writing other things, and whatnot, so yeah. But, I am back now! And a HUGE Thank You for almost 20K reads! You all are amazing and I love you all sooooooooo much! 🥺❤️😍🥰 I was rereading this story the other day, and I realized how cringy the first part was... -_- the writing for this movie/part will be better and not as cringy! I promise! Again, I love you all!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

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