Back To The Isle

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Y/N saw Mal - with her Isle attire - head to her scooter, almost stealthily. Y/N's tail twitched slightly as she followed the purple tipped hair girl.

"Mal. What are you doing?" she asked. Mal jumped slightly.

"Y/N! I'm, uh, going on a little midnight drive thing. Hehe," she answered, causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow suspiciously.

"No, you're not. You're going back to the Isle!"

"I'm not, Y/N! I'm not!"

"Take me with you."

Mal stared at Y/N - whose arms were crossed over her chest. A smirk was on Y/N's lips.


"I wanna go," Y/N repeated. "Look, I love it here in Auradon, but I love it on the Isle more. Please."

Mal sighed, looking down at her shoes, "Sure. C'mon. It'll probably be easier if you, ya know, transform...?"

"Yeah. I agree. Hang on." Y/N transformed and jumped on the back of the scooter, along with Mal, and she drove off, towards the sea, and back to the Isle.


Mal went to Lady Tremaine's place for a do-over. Y/N went to her old house, being careful not to alert her father. He wasn't the most... Understanding of people when it came to confusion. So, Y/N reached her room and decided to changer her clothes. She wanted to blend in, and in her opinion, gray was too Auradon.

Smiling contently to herself, she lept out her window, crawled down the roof, and jumped into the alleyway below

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Smiling contently to herself, she lept out her window, crawled down the roof, and jumped into the alleyway below. A few of the VK's stared at her, strangely, to which her eyes flashed blue, and they scurried away. Y/N smirked to herself before dashing off through the streets and alleyways towards a place where she practically grew up, before she befriended Mal and her crew.

She reached the building, and gazed up at it. Nothing had changed. She walked towards the doors, her hips swaying slightly, and pushed open the door. The entire restaurant froze to look at her. The female pirate with the teal hair stood near the bar, smirking, with the brown haired pirate next to her, his hook in his hand.

"Guess what?" Y/N grinned. "I'm ba-ak~!"

"Well, well, WELL! If it isn't Little Wolfie! So... Nice to see you again, lassie," Harry said, his accent sending chills down her spine. She couldn't tell if the chills were a good thing or a bad thing, but it didn't matter. She was rotten to the core - an emotionless shell that showed nothing.

"Welcome back, Y/N! Ya know, you're the only one of that group that I can tolerate. Good to have you back on the Isle," Uma smiled, hitting Y/N's forearm with her own.

"Yeah, well, Auradon wasn't all I expected. Everyone's so... Preppy. It's sickening. It was everything I could to not lash out and hurt someone," Y/N chuckled.

"For old times sake, can you howl?" Gil asked from the counter. Y/N nodded softly, her eyes flashing blue, as she leaned her head back and howled. It was long, and low, and sent chills to anyone who heard it. She brought her head down, crossing her arms over her chest as the crowd clapped.

"Nice goin' Wolfie. I see you've still got it." Harry slung an arm around her shoulders, but she didn't shy away like she should've.

"So. Is it just you that came back?" Gil began. "Or is someone else back, too?"

"Mal. And she isn't happy, so yeah. She'll probably try to take her territory back. You have been warned."

Uma scoffed. "What, like she's ever scared me? She's not getting it back, I can promise you that. But, since you're back, feel free to join the crew again. We've been missing that howl of yours on the ship."

"Cool. I'll stay. I've missed the ship, so it all works out."


Eli's Point Of View

I walked alongside Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben. They were going to the Isle to bring back Mal and Y/N. Someone grabbed my shoulder, so I turned. It was Ruby, Emma, Gigi, and Chloe. Ruby had her arms crossed over her chest in... Annoyance maybe?

"We're going with you," she said.

"No, you're not. It's not safe."

"Listen, Eli. I have experience with weapons. Emma here can make ice appear out of thin air. Gigi is an experienced fighter, and Chloe has had years of training to use a sword. You'll need us. Just let us come?"

I sighed loudly, turning to the other VK's. "Can they come?"

"I mean, I'm not against it. Just come. We have to find Mal and Y/N before something bad happens," Ben answered. I shook my head. This was going to be a bad idea, but hey. When does anyone listen to me anyways?

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