Time Is Running Out

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Y/N sat anxiously on the side of Uma's ship as she walked to Ben. Her tail and ears twitched at every small noise, hoping it was Mal and the others arriving. Every time, she was disappointed, seeing only another pirate or fisherman walk past.

"Hey, guys!" Gil began in a sing song voice. "They're here!" Y/N shot up, standing on the side and grabbing a rope to stabilize herself as she saw the purple haired girl with a group come up behind her.

"Welcome!" Harry greeted, extending his arms.

"Finally!" Uma laughed. Y/N joined her side, giving her friends and apologetic look. Ruby, Eli, and Carlos nodded softly towards her, easing her nerves slightly.

(After the song, cuz I don't wanna write out lyrics.)

"Y/N, go get the wand," Uma demanded. Y/N nodded and walked up to Mal. She mouthed an 'I'm sorry' before reaching for the wand.

"Hold up. Mmm, too easy..." Uma started once again. Y/N squinted her eyes tight and exhaled sharply. "We want to see it work."

Mal sighed. "You always were a drama queen..."

"Nothing too big, or else Ben is fish bait." Mal looked back to the others, just in time to see Carlos softly shift his head to the side. Y/N looked and saw Dude standing there, head tilted to the side.

"Okay..." Mal began. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." Mal pointed the wand to Dude, and nothing happened. "Talk. Dog!"

"Does this vest make me look fat?" Dude asked. Y/N's eyes widened as she looked to Carlos, who nodded softly, silently saying he'd tell her later. Uma and the other pirates laughed as Mal gave the wand to Y/N.

"Y/N! Give me the wand!" Uma called.

"Nope. Give her Ben, first," Y/N demanded, holding the wand in her hand.

"Harry, bring him over." As Harry brought Ben closer, Gil told him something that Y/N didn't care about. Harry held out Ben after he had cut the ropes at the same time Y/N held out the wand. She grabbed Ben's jacket and pushed him back to Mal as Uma gleefully grabbed the wand. Y/N spun around and pushed Mal and Ben towards the others, as Uma recited a spell.

"By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!"

Y/N froze when nothing happened, she knew this would happen, but having it occur right next to her, it was horrifying. Harry grabbed her arm and yanked her back towards Uma and the pirates.

"This was your plan all along, wasn't it! Get Ben back for a fake wand! Why did I trust you? Now tell me, why did you ask to join my crew again? Was it to get information? Why'd you give me that idea, if you were just going to stab me in the back?" Uma fired. Y/N remained silent.

"Tick tock, Wolfie..." Harry taunted.

"I have one thing to say..." Y/N began, reaching for the hilt of her sword. "C'est la vie, pirate!" She sliced Harry's arm, causing him to wince in pain. He let her go, and she ran towards Mal as Uma screeched in anger. Pirates from all over began to fight with swords. Y/N replaced her sword and transformed into a wolf. She howled deeply before attacking people. Her low growls and barks mixed in with the fighting. Emma heled Y/N out by creating an icy path that caused pirates to slip and fall into the water.

Y/N went and heled Carlos by jumping on a pirate going to attack him from behind. He smiled and quickly scratched her behind the ear before running towards Mal as she threw smoke bombs in between them and the pirates. Y/N transformed back into human and followed Carlos through a tunnel to the limo.

"Mal! Come on!" Y/N shouted through the tunnel. Seconds later, Mal joined them in the limo and they drove off. There was a seemingly uncomfortable silence in the vehicle as everyone took deep breaths to settle their heart rates. Y/N shut her eyes and looked towards Emma, Chloe, Gigi, and Ruby.

"Thanks, guys. It was good that you all came to help."

"Well," Emma began, gazing out the window. She seemed like she wanted to stay... "We had to save our friend."

"Yeah, that's true," Gigi smiled.

"We might have been salty when we found out you were a part of Uma's crew, but we know you weren't really going bad again. You're too awesome for that," Chloe laughed softly, giving Y/N a high five.

Ben and Mal began talking, to which Dude said, "Awkward..."

"Dude, I know you can talk, but it doesn't always mean you should..." Carlos whispered. Dude panted and crawled into Y/N's lap, curling up in a ball on her legs.

"So, why can he talk?" Y/N questioned.

Carlos chuckled softly. "You see, I asked Mal to make me something, and Dude ate it, so now he can talk."

"Y/N, can you scratch behind my ear, I'm too tired..." Dude whispered.

"Sure, Dude," Y/N smiled, complying with the dog and scratching his ear. The limo began over the bridge and soon arrived in Auradon.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait!!! I just wanted to say, Thank you for all you readers!!! Your comments make every day better, and I love reading them!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You all are the best!! Hope you have a good day/night!!! Byeeeeee!!!!

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