Y/N's Plan?

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3rd Person Point Of View

"Uma? I have a plan..." Y/N said, leaning back in her chair.

"And what is it?"

"Well, knowing Mal's boy toy, he's gonna come after her. We can kidnap him, and hold him for ransom. In return for him, you demand Fairy Godmother's wand. Then, you can bring down the barrier, and then villains everywhere can take over Auradon. Win-win."

Uma chuckled, "And what's in it for you?"

"For me?" Y/N sucked in a breath, thinking. "I want to be Queen. You get what you want, I get what I want."

"Sounds like a plan, Y/N. I can work with that." They shook hands, and Y/N stood.

"I'll go scout the Isle. See if I can find them. I'll return with information," Y/N explained. Uma nodded in agreement, then Y/N walked out of the restaurant. She quickly transformed into a wolf and ran to where she knew Mal and the others would be.

As she rounded a corner, she saw more people than expected.

"Ruby?" Y/N asked, in her human form once again.

"Y/N! Guys, look!" Ruby exclaimed, pulling the h/c haired girl into a hug.

"Y/N! What are you doing?" Eli questioned as the others continued to hug her. Carlos was last, and he left his arm around her shoulder, holding her close.

"I need to tell you guys something... I planted an idea in Uma's mind. She's gonna..." she paused. "Where's Ben?"

"Talking to Mal," Emma answered.

"Okay... So I planted an idea in Uma's head, and I want to warn you guys. Something's gonna happen, and Uma's going to demand the wand. But, Carlos, I want you to 3D print a wand and bring it instead of the real one."

"So, you want us to bring a fake wand? In exchange for what?"

"Ben. She's planning to kidnap Ben and hold him hostage until she gets the wand."

Gigi sighed, "So... This was your idea? You planted this in her head?" She turned to Chloe. "Why did I come to save her? She's backstabbing us!" Chloe nodded in agreement.

"She's not coming back," Ben said as he descended the stairs and walked off.

"I have to go, Carlos. Uma's gonna think it's suspicious that I've been gone for so long..." Y/N whispered. Carlos nodded, kissing her temple, before she ran off again.

Harry and Gil, along with some other pirates, had kidnapped Ben, and then Harry went to tell the others. And because they already knew, they just played along.

"Uma? Did it work?" Y/N inquired once she reached the shop once again.

"Yes it did. We got lover boy all tied up below the deck of my ship. You can go see him if you want."

"All right. See you later." Y/N left to go to the ship, which was being guarded by some pirates. "Let me through. Uma sent me." They let her go, and she went below deck.

"Who's there?" Ben asked. Y/N lurked in the shadows, sending the pirates who stood in the room above deck. Her eyes glowed blue as she made her way over to Ben.

"Y/N?! You're behind this?!"

"Yo ho ho, Cowboy," she smirked. "Okay, but seriously. I'm going to get you out of this. I promise. It's all part of my plan."

"YOU'RE plan?" Ben scoffed. "Why did I trust you? You're still evil. I should never have brought you over..."

"Ben. I'm tricking Uma. I'm telling her that Mal is gonna bring the wand in exchange for you, but it's actually gonna be a fake wand. I just wanted to see if they were going to go through with it... Which they did, apparently, but that's not the point. The point is, I'm acting as a part of her crew again to get information. They are completely determined to get off the Isle. I'm going to stop them."

"I'm trusting you..."

"Well that's a bad idea, but yes. You should trust me."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!! This is sort of a filler chapter while I try to find a new script to use... :/ I hope you all enjoyed! I love you all!! ❤️❤️

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