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Annie stared at me with wide eyes for an eternity, saying nothing.

Then, she said, "You're- you're angry. You don't mean this."


"Shh, there's no need for you to say anything, okay?" Shaking her head, she began backing away from me. "Go to your room and clear your head."

"I assure you-"

"We'll speak when you're levelheaded-"

"You have till six am tomorrow to pack your things and leave or I'll have security throw you out."

"I'm your guardian, you can't throw me out-"

"I'm eighteen, remember? Legally speaking, I'm free from your care, aren't I?"

My lips stretched into a grim smile as her feet automatically stopped in their tracks. Another long bout of silence occurred, but unlike prior, I walked past her, heading to the dining room.

"Angelo, you can't be serious."

"On the contrary, I am. Would you like me to ask Tony to send someone up to help you-"

"No! Fuck no, because I'm not leaving!"

I froze, then looked back and snarled, "Unfortunately, you don't have a choice. You're leaving. The only options you have are whether you're going to leave willingly, or not."

Her mouth hung open momentarily, letting out silent words that only she could hear. I quickly turned and continued on the path I had been before any cracks could manifest in my resolve.

Not too long after, she scoffed, "Wh-what? This is it? I make one mistake and suddenly you want to kick me out?"

"Mistake?" Heat rushed over my skin, burning through me as I roared, "You had an innocent woman shot!"

"I did it for us! He was my twin-how could I sit back and let his death go unavenged?"

"You had no problem before you found out about the waiter's identity!"

"Yes, because I was too cowardly to admit that my moping wasn't going to do anything to bring Max back! I can't believe this, first, you were mad at me for not doing anything about Max's death, but now you're angry because I did do something?"

"Hey, what's going on?" Tony said as he rushed down the stairs to Annie's side. Aimee had been behind him, but she chose to stay up the stairs.

Annie whirled her head. "Tony, thank goodness! Please, let Angelo know that no matter what he says I am not leaving this house!"

"Leaving?" Frowning, Tony looked at me. "What's going on? Why would you want Annie to leave?"

A humorless laugh left my lips. "That's a great question! Annie, would you care to answer it?"

When she didn't reply for several seconds, I said, "No? What's wrong? Why don't you want to proudly admit that you had an innocent woman shot?"

Aimee gasped. "Wait, what? Do you mean Dylan's mum?"

I nodded at her. "Yes, I do indeed."

Shock outlined her features as she looked at Annie. "B-but why?"

Annie's mouth dropped open, but once again no words came from them. Not too long after she pursued her lips, but they trembled slightly.



Her eyes flashed to mine, sending out the plea that she refused to allow past her lips. Consequently, keeping my eyes on hers was a struggle.

The Bad Boy's Heart: When Sparks Fly... (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now