Welcome to Diagon Alley (Edited)

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We've arrived at Diagon Alley with our supply list.

"Can we find all this in London?" Harry asked.

"Well, if you know where to look." Hagrid said.

We then entered a place called "The Leakey Cauldron." It was quite packed. A man behind the counter then said "Ah. Hagrid! The usual I presume?"

"No thanks, I'm on official Hogwarts business. These two be needing their school supplies." Hagrid replied pointing at me and Harry.

The man then stared at us and said, "Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter and Y/N L/N."

The whole place went silence for a moment and then a chatter of excitement filled the room and people started coming up to me and Harry.

"Welcome back Mr. Potter and Ms. L/N." a man said.

"Mr. Potter, Ms. L/N. I can't believe I'm meeting you guys at last." an other beamed.

More people started coming up to us to greet us and shake our hands. Then, a man with a purple turban on his head came up to us.

"Y/N L/N and Harry P-Potter. C-can't tell y-you how p-please I am to m-meet you two." he said stuttering. Something about him seemed fishy.

"Hello professor. I didn't see you there. Kids, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts." Hagrid said.

"Nice to meet you." Harry said. I just stared at him.

"Well, we best be going. Lots to buy." Hagrid said and we left out the back door.

"See kids, you're famous!" Hagrid beamed.

"Yes, but why are we famous Hagrid?" I asked.

"Not sure if I'm the wizard to tell you that, Y/N." he replied.

"But that's what you told me when I asked about what happened to my parents. Is there anything you can tell me?"  

"When the time is right, Y/N."

We then stopped at a brick wall and Hagrid took out his umbrella and tapped a few bricks. The wall then revealed shops will all kinds of things and many witches and wizards of all ages.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley Y/N and Harry." Hagrid said and we started walking around.

"Hagrid? How are we going to get our stuff. We don't have any money." I said.

"Well there's your money. Gringotts." He said as he pointed at a certain building. It certainly stands out from the rest. It was white with tall pillars. As we walked in, I saw rows of desk lined up opposite of each other and one desk at the end of the walk way. Sitting on each desk where short looking men. I think they're goblins. I've read about them in books but I've never seen one in real life.

"Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are those things." Harry ask.

"They're goblins, Harry." I said.

"That's right Y/N. They're goblins. Clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me." Hagrid said and we stuck by his side.

We arrive at the desk all the way at the end and Hagrid cleated his throat to get his attention.

"The Potter and L/N would like to make a withdrawal." he said and the goblin looked at us.

"And do the Potter and L/N have their keys?" the goblin asked.

"Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere." Hagrid said as he looked for the keys. "Here's the little devils." He said as he pulled out two small golden keys and putting it on the desk.

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