The Philosopher's Stone

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Today is the day I'm heading back to Hogwarts. I had already packed up and said all my goodbyes. I took some Floo Powder and threw it while saying "Kings Cross Station."

"Y/N!" a familiar voice called out.

I opened my eyes to see Draco running up to me. He gave me a big huge and said "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too." I replied smiling.

"I see you're wearing the hair clip I gave you. I'm glad you like it."

I've been wearing this hair clip everyday. "Like it? I love it! I hope it didn't cost much. I really don't want you wasting money on me."

"Oh, Y/N. You are worth everything." he said blushing. I was blushing a bit too.

I noticed that Draco was wearing the ring I had got him. "I see you like the ring I got you."

"Of course! I wear it everyday. Even to sleep!" he replied and I started laughing.

"What?" he questioned.

"It's just cute." I replied.

"What's cute?"

"You." and he blushed when I said this.

"H-how? I-I'm not cute." he stuttered.

"It's cute how you wear the ring to bed."

"N-no it's not. A-anyways, l-let's go on the train." he said and I nodded.

We found a compartment just for ourselves. It was kind of an awkward ride. We didn't really talked much.

"So.." Draco said awkwardly. "What is your favorite present that you've got?"

"Hmmm. Probably my father's diary." I replied.

"Really? Who gave it to you?" he asked.

"I don't know. it didn't say who it's from. Anyways, how about you?"

"Well, obviously the ring you got me." he said flustered.

"Oh really?" I questioned. "Out of all your presents, mine is your favorite?"

"Yes." he replied.

"I'm flattered." I chuckled.

"Looks like we're here." Draco said as the train stopped.


I had finished unpacking already. Hermione doesn't come back until tomorrow so it's pretty boring being in the dorm. I decided to looks for the boys and to my luck, they were in the common room.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Oh, hi Y/N." Ron replied. "I heard my mom made you a sweater. I'm sorry."

"Oh don't be sorry. Your mom is wonderful and the sweater is very comfy." I assured. "Anyways, what's up with Harry?"

"It's the mirror." Ron answered.

"Mirror?" I questioned.

"Yes. Like Dumbledore said, it's making him mad."

"You're not talking about the Mirror of Erised, are you?"

"Yes." Harry answered.

"Harry, you know the mirror doesn't-"

"Show the future. Yes I know. My parents are dead." he said cutting me off. "It shows a persons deepest desire."

"Harry's been going back to that mirror every night." said Ron.

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