Dementors Everywhere!!

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GUYS, WE'RE #1 IN MALFOYXREADER AND #19 IN GRYFFINDOR . I WANT TO SINCERELY THANK YOU GUYS. WITHOUT Y'ALL, IT WOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE. Also, please check your DMS to see if you are chosen to be in my story. I'm starting to choose people so yea. The three special chosen hoomans are @BrendaLe982 and @loki_lols and DeathlyHallows770 


Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were walking to Defense Against Dark Arts when I bumped into a girl. She was in Ravenclaw and possibly in the third year.

"Oh Merlins, I'm so sorry." the girl apologized.

"It's alright." I said helping her up.

As I carefully examined her, she kind of looked like me. She must of noticed it too when she said, "You look like me."

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Pearl, Morgan Pearl." she said.

"L/N, Y/N L/N." I said.

"I know. I just never knew that we looked so similar." she laughed.

"It's so weird." I said. "I think I've heard your last name somewhere before."

"Really?" she questioned.

"Yes. Not sure where though, but I feel like in my father's diary."

"Now that you mention it, I remember seeing your last name somewhere. I've got to ask my parents." she said.

"Y/N," Hermione said. "We've got to go."

"Oh right. Sorry guys, Hermione and I have to go to class."

"But we all have the same class-"

"Bye!" Hermione said cutting Ron off.


Y/N and Hermione left Harry and me with Morgan. It was a really awkward situation.

"Um," Harry said. "I'm-"

"Harry Potter." she said. "I know. Everyone knows."

"Right." Harry said awkwardly scratching his head.

"And your Ron Weasley."

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked.

"Your friends with Harry and Y/N." she said.

"Oh yea. I'm friends with the school's most popular students."

"Hey, if you need to talk about it, I'm right here." she smiled.

I blushed a bit. I'm not used to talking to any other girls other than Y/N and Hermione.

"T-thanks." I said.

"No problem. Anyways, I've got to go to class. See you around, Ron!" she said and left.

"So, Pearls, huh?" Harry said.

"Shove off, Harry." I said.

Hermione and I arrived at DADA. There wasn't much space left, and the only space left is the one next to Ron and Draco.

Hermione looked at me and I just sighed. I went to the space by Draco. He had his goons, and, well, fangirls. He still had his cast on.

"Hey, Y/N." he said.

I just ignored him and had my attention on the wardrobe. Something was in there.

"What's in there?" someone asked.

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