The First Task

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Y'all, 186k I- 😭
I'm truly sorry for not posting much, frick school. I'm gonna try to post at least twice a month, no promises though. Sorry that this chapter is short but I'll try to make future chapters longer. Stay safe out there!!
                            -Much love, Xin

Today was the day for the first task. Harry and the other champions are in a tent getting ready while students start arriving at the stadium.

"I'm going to check up on Harry." Hermione said leaving.

Morgan, Ron, Hermione, Julie, Draco, and I came together as a group to cheer Harry on. Not so much Draco though. I really do wish the two and put their differences aside for once and be friends or at least be in good terms.

"Morgan, stand here!" Ron pointed next to him. Morgan nodded and stood next to Ron.

"Wait, remember to save a spot for Hermione." I said.

"Don't worry, Y/N. Hermione will be next to me." Julie responded.

"How are you feeling, love?" Draco asked.

"A bit nervous. I know Harry will do well but I'm scared for him. You know?"

Draco nodded to response and replied, "Potter got himself into this mess. Whatever happens happens."

"Draco, what if someone did put Harry's name into the fire? There is no way Harry would actually put his name into the fire. I feel like this is all plotted."

"Love, you're stressing a bit too much. Calm down a bit." Draco said giving me a kiss on my forehead.

Just then, Hermione came back looking a bit furious.

"What happened, Hermione?" Julie asked.

"That bloody Rita Skeeter!" Hermione raged.

"Oh Merlins, what did she do?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Hermione stated taking a seat next to Julie.

"How's Harry?" Morgan asked.

"He's.... he's up for a challenge." Hermione sighed.

"What type of dragon did he get?" I asked again.

"The Horntail I believe."

I looked down knowing a Horntail was hard to fight. He only has his wand to fight with and nothing else. This could either go terribly bad or just bad. No where in between or any other choices. Soon enough, the round started. On the fire of the canon, Cedric came out.

"Go, Cedric! Woo!" I cheered.

Cedric smiled our way waving at us. Draco sneered at him and pulled me closer to him. This boy I swear. He's too overprotective sometimes. Not complaining though. It's adorable.

Cedric achieved the egg with a few bruises and a burnt face. Then it was Fleur who was also successful in redeeming the egg then Viktor. Viktor got the egg as well, but he lost points since his egg cracked.

Lastly, it was Harry. Harry came out of the tent all nervous and scared. I couldn't tell if I was more nervous for him than he was nervous. The Horntail was scary. Everyone watched what was going to happen.

Harry steps forward towards the egg, but the dragon tried the smash Harry with its tail. Harry luckily ducked in time as everyone gasped frightened. The dragon then continues to try to smash Harry and breathed fire at him. Harry tried to make a run but the dragon kept on smashing everything. It did eventually flung Harry across with tail.

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