An Attack at Hogwarts

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Harry POV

I was in Lockhart's classroom for detention today when I heard a strange noise.

"Come...come to me." the voice said.

"What?" I questioned.

"I was saying, six solid months at the top of bestseller! Broke all record!" Lockhart said.

"No, not that! Not you! That voice." I said.

"Voice? What voice?" Lockhart questioned.

"Did you hear it?"

"What are you talking about? I think we're getting a bit drowsy. Merlin's beard, and no wonder!" Lockhart said looking at the time. "Look at the time! We've been here for nearly four hours! Dinner's nearly done. If you hurry, you might get a pudding. Spooky how time flies when one's having fun."

Hermione POV

Me and Ron left dinner early to look for Harry. We haven't seen him in about four hours.

"Harry!" we exclaimed when we found him.

"Did you hear it?" Harry asked.

"Hear what?" Ron questioned.

"That voice."

"Voice? What voice?" Ron said.

"I heard it first in Lockhart's room, and then again-" Harry said but then stopped.

I looked at him confused.

"It's moving. I think it's going to kill." Harry said and started running.

"Harry, wait!" I said.

He kept running. Me and Ron followed him and then stopped when we saw water on the floor. There was also writing on the wall saying "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened... Enemies of the heir beware."

It was written in something red. Blood, perhaps.

"What's that? Hanging underneath?" Ron asked.

"It's Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris." Harry said walking towards the cat.

Students were coming towards the scene.

"Enemies of the heir beware?" Malfoy read.

"You better watch what you're saying, Malfoy." Ron spat.

"You'll be next, mudbloods." Pansy said making her way through the crowd.

"What's going on here?" we heard Filch asked.

"Make way, make way!" Filch said pushing through the crowd.

His eye went wide when he saw the scene. He turned to Harry with anger.

"You've murder my cat!" Filch yelled.

"No. I didn't!" Harry said.

"I'll kill ya." Filch said grabbing Harry's collar. "I'll kill ya!"

"Argus!" Dumbledore said with other professors.

"Argus I-" Dumbledore paused as he saw the scene.

"Everyone will proceed to the dormitories immediately." he ordered. "Everyone except you three."

The prefects lead their houses back to their common room.

"She's not dead Argus." Dumbledore said inspecting Mrs. Norris. "She had been petrified."

"Ah, so lucky I wasn't there." Lockhart said. Ahh, Lockhart. So dreamy.

I was too busy admiring Lockhart and not paying attention to what the professors were saying.

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