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I've had a good summer so far. Me and my parents decide that I'll be staying with the Weasley's for all of August until school starts. I've kept in touch with all my friends. Well, all expect Harry. He haven't been writing back to neither me, Hermione, or Ron. It's also his birthday today. I know the Dursley's doesn't give him anything for this birthday. Thus, I decided to go out and get him something.

Now, here in America, there isn't a Diagon Alley or anything. I know that there's a school called Ilvermorny for witches and wizards but I don't know where people get there supplies. I couldn't go to Diagon Alley since my Floo network isn't connect to there. Instead, I decided do get him a 'muggle' object. I'm pretty sure that Harry had seen this object since his aunt and uncle are muggles.

I decided to get him a pocket knife. Not just any kind of pocket knife. It had many different kinds of knives for different uses. You never know when you find a knife handy.

I've finished wrapping Harry's present and writing him a birthday card. I let Ash out of his cage and gave him some treats.

"Bring this to Harry please." I said to Ash and let him out.

I head down stairs with my luggage and Ash's cage.

"Oh we'll miss you. I can't believe it's already almost time to go back." my mom said as she went to hug me.

"I know. Time really does fly. I'll miss you guys." I said and hugged my dad and Zach.

"I'm sorry that you can't come back for the holidays." my dad said. "We've got a business trip and we leave before you even get back."

"It's alright, dad. I understand. I hope you guys will have fun." I replied.

"We love you, Y/N. Don't forget to write to us."

"I will mom. I promise." I smiled. "Have a good school year, Zach. Try not to cause too much problems."

"Hey! I'll let you know, all my teachers adore me."

"Or is it because I had them and I was their favorite." I chuckled.

"Oh whatever. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss to too, bud."

I got into the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder and threw it down and said "The burrow!"

I opened my eyes to see two gingers in front of me.

"Y/N!" the twins yelled and put me into a sandwich.

"Hi my favorite two twins." I giggled.

"Now boys. Let Y/N be. She just got here. Why don't you two take her stuff and bring it to her room?" their mother said.

"Fineeee." they sighed and took my stuff.

"I'm so sorry about them, dear. Oh it's so nice to see you again. You've grown so much and look so beautiful." she said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

"Oh. Please, just call me Molly."

"Okay, Molly." I smiled.

"Oh hey Y/N." Ron said coming downstairs.

"Hi Ron." I greeted.

"Ron, why don't you show Y/N to her room." Molly suggested.

"Sure. You'll get to properly meet Ginny. Follow me." Ron said.

I followed Ron to my room.

"You'll be sharing a room with Ginny since there isn't any room left and Ginny is the only girl here. I hope you don't mind."

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