chapter twenty-four

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Gerard blushed as he looked at himself in the smudgy mirror. He was currently sporting the hoodie Mikey had told him he would look oh-so-cute-in.

But he didn't. Well not in his eyes anyway.

"Damnit, Gerard." He mumbled to himself, as he pinched the little fat on his hips. He was so fucking fat.

Just as he was about to throw himself a well deserved pity-party, he heard his brother's overly excited voice from the other side of the fitting rooms.

"Gee, what's taking so long? Come on out here."

Gerard sighed sadly, slowly stepping out of the small room. The moment he did Mikey smiled brightly at him.

"Aww, Geebear! You look adorable." He squealed, clapping his hands.

Gerard just ducked his head down and let his cheeks take on a light pink tint.

"Go and try the rest-"

"But, Mikey, I wanna go to the comic book store." Gerard whined.

"If you go through with this, and  find at least three items you like, I'll buy you two comics." Mikey bargained.

The black-haired boy sighed but got back into the fitting room. After taking off the sweatshirt, he grabbed the next item which was a mint green t-shirt with a cute yellow logo in the centre.

This was going to take forever.

- -

The moment the two brothers got home, they nearly collapsed on the ground. Gerard was holding two shopping bags, four comics and a new set of acrylics.

He definitely bought more than he intended to.

Mikey on the other hand, had bought one comic, three bags worth of clothes and a new bass strap.

"Well... rent is gonna be pretty hard this month." Mikey sighed as he looked at all of their bags.

Gerard hummed in agreement, "Yup. I should actually finish my paintings so I can put them up for sale as soon as possible.

Mikey merely nodded and slow-walked up the stairs to his bedroom, carrying his many new belongings.

The older boy carried his stuff downstairs, leaving them all on his bed to organise later.

Gerard sat on his desk chair, spinning towards the desk that had a started painting laid upon it. He slowly picked up a new paintbrush and dipped it in the water that was inside a dirty jar.

He pumped some green paint onto his painting plate and dipped the now wet paintbrush in said paint. He then started dragging it along the unfinished painting.

- -

"Gee?" Frank asked as he walked into Gerard's basement.

Frank shift had ended a little over half and hour ago so he decided to meet up with Gerard. Not to mention he also had a cookie to give him.

"Gee, sweetie?" He tried again, seeing that Gerard was sat at his desk dragging the used paintbrush across the canvas continuously. He then noticed the headphones in the boy's ears and suddenly it made sense as to why he was being unresponsive.

Frank smiled lovingly at the sweet boy and gently kissed the top of his head, making the taller flinch in surprise.

"Wha- Frankie!" He grinned, turning around in his chair and grinning up at Frank.

Frank chuckled as Gee pulled him into a tight hug. Admittedly, the angle was a bit awkward considering Gerard was sitting and Frank was standing, so Gee's face was essentially on his stomach. But it still felt nice regardless.

"'Missed you." Gerard mumbled into the other's leather jacket.

"I missed you too, cutie."

Gerard beamed at Frank once they pulled back, just being overall happy his Frankie was there. He didn't really mean to be clingy, but he couldn't help it if he naturally just craved being around the shorter boy.

"How was your day?" The black haired boy asked as the two left their weird standing-sitting position. Deciding on sitting on the bed.

"It was great," he smiled, pulling Gerard into his lap and wrapping his tattooed arm around the fragile boy. "I brought you back a little something."

Gerard giggled, "What is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see, baby." He grinned, "But how was your day, princess?"

Gerard blushed softly at the nickname but answered in a quiet voice, "It was fine, Mikes made me go shopping with him."

"Ooh, what'd you buy?" Frank asked, rubbing little circles on Gerard's lower back. Making little shivers run up the boy's spine.

"Uh, I bought a few clothes and comic books... and some acrylic paint." He mumbled shyly.

"That's rad," He enthused, "also speaking of paint, I'm pretty sure you're getting some on me, sweetheart."

Gerard gasped as he looked at his hands that were wrapped around Frank's neck. And Frank was completely right, there were little green and red paint marks on his neck, and over his scorpion tattoo.

"I'm so sorry!" He squeaked getting up from Frank's lap and getting a small paper towel.

Gerard quickly went back to sitting on Frank's jean-clad lap. He rubbed his tongue on the paper towel until it was damp. Gee then ran the now somewhat wet paper along the paint marks on Frank's neck.

Frank gasped quietly at the sensation and gripped Gerard's hips once again. He hoped to god that we wouldn't pop a random boner whilst Gerard was innocently trying to wipe the paint off of him.

Gerard squirmed a bit at the tight grip Frank had on him, but just continued cleaning off the boy's neck.

"There." The boy smiled once it was all off.

Frank laughed burying his face in the crook of Gerard's neck. "Do you want your treat now?"

"Yes please." Gerard whispered eagerly.

Frank smiled pressing a soft kiss to Gee's neck, "Okay then, cutie, let me go get it."

Gerard grinned at that.

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