Chapter 8: What If

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Ok so

This *was* gonna be the big angsty chapter, but it was getting too wordy and I wanna pace better, so rest assured the big angsty chapter will be the next one. There's plenty of development in this first half anyway, I'd think.

(also I did a crazy amount of browsing the F-Zero Wiki for the characters' backgrounds and I love how developed and well written they are? seriously we need a new F-Zero game, hopefully one that doesn't try to retcon anything like the anime and its two GBA games did. X and GX had a perfect thing going on and there's several plot elements I'd LOVE for them to touch more on)

Title based on "What If" by SafetySuit

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from Within

Chapter 8 - What If

"Okay, you can open your eyes now, Lucina," Captain Falcon instructed Lucina. "And Mute City."

"Ah...?" The sight before Lucina's eyes was unlike anything she ever saw in her life. What stood before her was a neo-urban jungle of tall, metal architecture, holograms and neon lights all around amidst the muted greenish-blue backdrop of the night sky, as "cars" that seemed to hover above the ground, much like Captain Falcon's own Blue Falcon, drove across the streets. It was very much like a futuristic version of Smash City, like in the science fiction comic books Robin and Shulk would show Lucina whenever the three decided to visit Smash City's comic store on a whim.

"Amazing..." she murmured.

"Right?" Falcon concurred. "It may be a wonder unlike anything you've ever seen to you, but to me, it's just the world I've known all my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Of course Captain Falcon wouldn't have it any other way," Lucina teased him, elbowing him playfully. "You're the famous bounty hunter and pilot of the famed Blue Falcon!"

"Haha, don't wear it out now," Falcon laughed, returning Lucina's mischievous gesture by softly mussing up her hair, eliciting a giggle from her lips.

We've bonded so much, it feels unreal, he thought. We're already at the stage of exchanging playful banter with one another when we're not doing anything serious. I've missed such simple joys... And above all, lately I've been feeling...that whenever she's happy, I am too...

"Hey, Lucina...?" Falcon began, softly placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes?" She turned her head to face his.

"Ah..." The Captain hesitated, lifting his hand off her shoulder. "I figure...if it's okay with you, that I maybe show you around the place before I go in for a racing tournament?"

"Sure," Lucina nodded, smiling. "I hope the races are televised. I'd love to see you in action doing what you're best known for outside of Smash City." Looking around, she mused, "But...wouldn't it be more practical to ride around in the Blue Falcon, or something?"

"Well, about that..." He answered her. "There's...usually not enough room in a single F-Zero machine for two people. There was this one time I had another rider with me, but that was a bit of an...emergency situation. I do know someone who can get us around town easily, though."

"You do...?" The Exalt asked the racer.

"Just one second..." Sliding a panel out from one of his wristcuffs, he input a series of commands with the buttons underneath. "Our ride should be here soon."

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from WithinWhere stories live. Discover now