Epilogue - Your Voice

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So. 2020. New year. Byleth is FP5. 6 more DLC on the way. One last hurrah with the promised epilogue. (also note that the finale ended with "The End" and not "Fin" like I usually do)

Let's do this.

I'm still assuming KOS-MOS and Elma are in, as I'm now kinda hoping they'll be in season 2. This will also assume the following are confirmed for DLC: Neku Sakuraba from TWEWY; Octoling (another Spirit promotion; the Octoling Girl & Octoling Boy which uses the Octo Expansion artwork. they are NOT an Echo here); AND Mecha-Fiora. Yes, she finally gets her chance just like Chrom! PLEASE LET THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEN OH MY GOD. And also T-elos who is just randomly announced as KOS-MOS's echo out of nowhere, lol. Season 2 supposedly will go until December 2021 (!) and judging by a recent Famitsu column, could well be the LAST season (!) so... even though there are six spots in the second pass, they only said no echoes for the first pass. I think they'll pick 4 fighters to have Echoes (cause there are currently 10 unfilled World of Light character slots in the datamine) and bundle them with their "base" so to speak. Fiora will be Elma's Echo here and T-elos will be KOS-MOS's. Didn't want the "Echo Program" plotbun to go to waste either.

There MAY be a sequel to this later down the line...? I kinda want to do one. Maybe they'll still be dealing with the aftershock of what Galeem and Dharkon did to them. Maybe Falcon will get to explore his past and learn where he came from, and why he became a bounty hunter and racer. MAYBE Black Shadow will play a role in it, regardless of if he's ever confirmed for Smash or not. I haven't settled the full details yet tho. I may also do that rooftop party side story too.

But rest assured, you will LOVE this ending. And it may also set the stage a bit for said potential sequel...?

Content warning: MILD SMUT AT ONE POINT (also assume they're using condoms and the pill everytime they do it from here on out incl. said sequel if i include such scenes, and that Lucina stopped by Dr. Mario's office real quick upon returning to Smash City for the morning after pill - safe sex is important my dudes). also tooth rotting fluff oh my GOD I don't wanna say any more to not spoil y'all

Also, male Byleth is called Byleth and female Byleth goes by Blythe. Get it?! Anagram? (I'm so original.) I was gonna call F!Byleth Beth originally but Blythe is just more creative. Also teases of Terry/Blythe.

Title origin - Your Voice from the Xenoblade Chronicles X OST (Unsurprising)

and of course, obligatory Super Smash Prose server plug. ID is gDK48ua.


Hiding in my Skin, Broken from Within

Epilogue - Your Voice

Once they arrived back in Smash City, Captain Falcon and Lucina met up with Terry Bogard as promised in front of Smash Tower as night fell.

"Heh, took ya guys long enough!" Terry chuckled, briefly taking off his hat and spinning it around on his fingers. "So, got any burger joints you recommend?"

"I might know one..." The Captain replied with a grin.

"Oh, is it that one Shulk, Zelda and I visited one time?" Lucina questioned curiously. "I really love the food there."

"Might be... seeing as how it's the only burger place in Smash City." The three shared a hearty laugh.

"Oh, hey guys!" Banjo called out, running over to them. "You guys gonna head up to the rooftop party?"

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from WithinWhere stories live. Discover now