Chapter 17: As The Rush Comes

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Yeah, that's right. This fic ties into Ultimate in all its entirety. So not only is EVERYONE HERE(TM), but also...

IT'S WORLD OF LIGHT TIMEEEEEEEEEEEE and there will be a buttload of feels. Get some tissues, my dudes.

Content warnings for this chapter: Strong language, and Adventure Mode/World of Light spoilers. I'm also trying to like... put my own unique spin on the interpretation of what happens in WoL. I'm even adding I guess... a survival aspect to it? You'll see what I mean.

Also, Galeem and Dharkon use they/them/their pronouns in this fic. And Samus and Zero Suit Samus are (obviously) counted as one character in this fic so I'll count her awakening as the Zero Suit version's. The only time she's in her Power Suit (for now) will be the opening scene. However, as established in a previous chapter, Sheik and Zelda are separate characters. Or rather since Sheik is technically Zelda, she's just the Zelda from BOTW in disguise while Ultimate Zelda is from ALBW.

title namesake - As The Rush Comes by Motorcycle

Hiding in my Skin, Broken from Within

Chapter 17 - As The Rush Comes

The sun set over the cliffs overlooking the ocean on the outskirts of Smash City, dyeing the cloudy sky shades of dusky pink and orange. The only sounds that could be heard were the wind blowing and the waves crashing upon the cliffs. Just then, Fox McCloud, leader of the space squadron Star Fox, broke the silence by pulling out his blaster and announcing, "Don't let a single one get away!" By that, he was referring to the swarm of fake Master Hands that floated in the sky. Behind Fox, ready to follow his orders, were all the other Smashers - Mario, Kirby, Link, Samus, Palutena, Zelda, the Ice Climbers, Solid Snake, King K. Rool, Mega Man, Isabelle, Mewtwo, Simon Belmont, Captain Falcon, Robin, Rosalina and her Lumas, Shulk, the Inklings, and many more. Everyone was there.

And sure enough, in the sky above all the fake Master Hands, was that mysterious creature Lucina saw in her dreams - the mysterious orb of light with metallic iridescent "wings" of some sort. The fake Master Hands followed the commands of this strange, menacing being.

"We'll each need to take down about ten," Marth suggested, in an attempt to strategize.

"Stow your fear," Zelda tried to encourage everyone. "It's now or never!"

"We'll win this," Pit declared, determined to emerge victorious. "I know we will!"

However, before any of the Smashers could act, the fake Master Hands seemed to unravel and convert themselves to pure energy before gathering into the core of the mysterious creature. Just then, a vision came to Shulk.


In the vision, he saw himself and all his allies being vaporized by beams of light. He turned around and tried to warn them all, but the words couldn't come out.

He knew, deep down, that it was futile.

A black hole seemed to materialize where the creature once was, and then... came the beginning of the end. Beams of prismatic light shot at everyone. Link was the first to try to fend them off, slashing at them with his Master Sword and blocking one with his Hylian Shield, before another one engulfed and vaporized him. Samus didn't fare any better. Overcome by despair, Shulk just stood there and didn't fight back as another beam wiped him out.

In an attempt to divert the beams, Zelda tried to use Nayru's Love and Mewtwo attempted Confusion, but neither worked and the two were vaporized. Meanwhile, on the ground, Pikachu and Sonic were fleeing from the beams. Sonic reached out to Pikachu only to see it vaporized, and soon, Sonic himself faced the same fate.

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