Chapter 1: Choice

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Ryzen POV

What is this?

Am I really dead?

The last time I remember, I was on a plane boarding to Japan. I was supposed to attend a conference there about new innovations in medicine. I was also supposed to be awarded as one of the top ten young doctors in Asia...

While riding planes, I have a habit of sleeping throughout the whole ride. I just wake up immediately a few minutes before we actually arrive.

This time, it's the first time I woke up without even reaching the destination... what woke me up were the screams and cries.

"We're going to die! Oh my God! Ahhh!" one of the passengers painfully screamed while crying.

I was too frozen to do anything. I was a doctor and my duty is to save lives... but at that moment, I felt like I wasn't a doctor at all. I couldn't do anything against what the heavens have planned. I was too powerless to save anyone. To save myself.

Right now, everything is just so dark. Just where am I? Is this supposed to be after-life? Although I never had any thoughts about it, it surprises me that it would be as plain as this.

"Ahh!" I suddenly let out as I saw a bright light appearing out of nowhere.

It was shining so bright, blinding me for a while. I couldn't even see it properly. I am too surprised because out of the sudden, a light came out of this darkness.

"I see you've regained your conscious state already." a deep, low voice suddenly spoke.

I finally opened my eyes and the dazzling white light was gone in front of me. Instead, it was behind the man who just spoke, making him look like as if he was on a spotlight.

It was a man who looked like he was in his 40's. He had tanned skin but it was pretty obvious that he was a foreigner due to his westernised features. He had a long red hair and a pair of green eyes. With a king-like robe he's wearing, I guess my first impression of him would be someone out of this world.

Could it possibly be...

"Who are you? A grim reaper?" I asked curiously.

I've dedicated all my life into studying medicine and doing everything for my career so I didn't have that much time to actually pursue other interests. Although, from time to time, some colleagues of mine would have talks about trivial matters like this.

Based from what I've heard, the grim reapers portrayed in the media would kind of be like the devil. They would wear black hoods and their face wouldn't be recognisable at all. They were basically just living skulls.

But in reality, it's quite different compared to how it's portrayed in the media, huh.

"Quite close... but not really. You could say that I'm a bit unique. Unlike other grim reapers, I remember all my memories and was given the ability to transmigrate people." the mysterious man suddenly said.

"Transmigrate? What do you mean? I'm dead now, aren't I?" I asked as I furrowed my brows.

If I'm really dead, I wonder who'll look after my patients? What about the volunteer plans that I've had in mind? The researches that I've been working on? Besides all, just how would my mother and sister react? Surely, they'll be sad...

Thinking about it, I'm actually really upset that I died just like that.

"Yes, if you mean your body, it's basically dead already. But your soul is still alive. The heavens have decided that you have done too many good deeds while you were on Earth as a doctor and want to offer you a choice." he murmured plainly.

He looked at me sternly while I had an eager expression, curious on what he's about to say.

"Choice number one: Your body will be restored and you can live again. Choice number two: you can rest peacefully without any worries in heaven." he continued.

"I pick the first choice! I'm too young and I still want to do so much. Please let me live again." I said without any hesitations.

So I'm quite a unique case here, huh? It turns out that I'm not that hopeless. I can live again! I can resume my life just the way it was!

"However, you can only have the right to those choices based on one condition." he said coldly.

I looked at him in utter shock. I should've known this. Something that's too good can't be free!

"You will need to complete a transmigration mission." he suddenly announced.

Now, I'm confused. What does he even mean by that? I've only ever heard of such word in dictionaries. I never thought it could be possible in real life.

"In a sense, your soul will be placed into someone else's body that recently became soulless. These individuals have been judged by the heavens already and there's no use for their bodies anymore." he said.

"So, it's like, I'm renting their bodies?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, you are correct. Aside from that, you will also be allowed to see memories from the original body owner. You will need these memories in order to help them attain their lifetime wish. Then, once you complete their lifetime wish, you can finally have the right to choose." he announced.

What!? So it's that complicated, huh?

"Fine. I accept it." I murmured.

"Hmm... very well, then. We will now start the transmigrating process and randomly transmigrate you into another person's body." he said in his usual cold voice.

If this is the only way to resume my previous life, I'll do my best to succeed on it no matter how hard it'll be!

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