Chapter 19: Unexpected Guest

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Ryzen POV

Juli really kept her promise because right after I settled the bills for the woman and child, she texted me and hung out with me while waiting for them to be conscious. However, after a while, she left because she had prior commitments to go to.

Suddenly remembering that I have a schedule to volunteer at La Coron City today, I briefly texted one of heads in the medical mission department to alert them that I wouldn't be able to go.

My conscience wouldn't be able to take it if I were to leave today since my heart hurts for the woman and child who met such an unfortunate accident. I feel like it's my responsibility to make sure that they've recovered well after the accident. I guess, I'm also doing it out of guilt since I am part of the most privileged people in the country. I can only do so much to help common people.

Having a glimpse at Lennox can wait another day.

While ruminating, a doctor suddenly came out and informed me that the little boy woke up already while the woman was still unconscious. I quickly got up from the waiting hall to visit the boy.

I saw the little boy laying down, wearing a hospital gown. There were visible, small bandages over his arms and legs but other than that, he didn't seem to have any other injuries. After all, he was protected by his mother.

"Are you feeling okay? I'm Millen, I was one of the people who saw what happened earlier and I brought you here in this hospital." I said softly.

He looked at me with an indifferent expression before he closed his eyes and crooked his eyebrows.

"Where's my mum? Mummy..." he murmured before tearing up.

My expression became complicated as I tried to coax him by softly patting his shoulder.

"Shh... It's okay... your mum is fine." 

The little boy seemed to be mature for his age and he looks only about 7 or 8 years old. Analysing the situation, it seems like he won't calm down unless he sees it for himself that his mum is fine. But, I don't know if he can handle it...

"You wanna see your mum?" I asked in a soft tone after he stopped crying.

He immediately nodded and so, I asked a nurse to assist us to visit his mum's room.

Earlier, while I payed the bills for them, there was only one ID found from the woman. It turns out that she was a single mother and she was living in La Coron City as well.

When the little kid saw his mother, he immediately cried again upon noticing her lost limb and the huge gauze it had over it. Not only that, there were also a lot more bandages all over her body and even a small one on her left cheek. No matter who sees it, one would feel pity for the woman.

"Mummy, I'm sorry. I won't play with the ball anymore. I'm sorry, mummy. I'm sorry." he cried over and over again.

I comforted the little kid for a while until he fell asleep because of the amount of tears he let out. He fell asleep sitting next to his mother while holding her hand.

I smiled at the heart-warming scene. However, I do not feel like staying here any longer. I need to get some fresh air. 

As I sat on the waiting area outside the hospital room, I checked my phone for the time and was surprised because it seems like I stayed with the little boy for at least 2 hours. But, what surprised me even more was the messages and missed calls I got from various people.

I checked the messages and some of them were from unknown numbers, from Millen Yu's friends, and wait... Millen Yu's parents? Just what happened for all these people to suddenly contact me all at once?

I held my suspicions for a while before opening a message from Juli.

Juli: Girl! Someone took a video of you earlier providing first aid to those people and it instantly got viral. They recognised you easily as Senator Costales' granddaughter. Good job, Millen!

Wait... wait? It was just a simple first aid procedure and anyone who has empathy would be able to do that. It wasn't even a grave life or death situation. But then again, with our era today, even more trivial matters get 'viral' within a few hours. I guess compared to other trivial stuff, what I did was slightly a bit better. I just don't know what to feel about it though... should I feel happy for this sudden 5 minute fame?

Before I could even reply to Juli, a certain name suddenly popped up in my phone screen. The head of our medical mission department in La Coron City, Dr. Ging, was calling.

I instantly answered the phone and decided to just reply to the other messages later.

"Hi Millen! We saw what you did because it's already viral and local news outlets have also already published it. Are you still at St. Lucas Hospital right now?" she asked.

Not thinking much of it, I absentmindedly answered, "Yes. I'm really sorry that I couldn't go today to help."

I heard a small laughter from Dr. Ging, "Don't worry about it. What you did today was even more important. Anyway, I just wanted to confirm that you were still there that's why I gave you a call. Our mayor will be coming there."

Mayor? That's Lennox, isn't? Lennox is coming here?

My eyes widened for a bit due to surprise but after a while, I smirked at myself. Looks like being a good samaritan isn't so bad after all, huh? Unlike the original Millen Yu, I don't normally covet for the spotlight. But it seems like with this sudden spotlight, Lennox can notice me even more.

"Oh? Why is he coming here for?" I asked. 

"He's going to check those people since they're residents in La Coron City. Please stay there and wait for him." Dr. Ging said softly.

After talking a bit more with Dr. Ging, she finally ended the call.

I bit my lips and unknowingly smirked again, looking forward for the arrival of the unexpected guest.

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