Chapter 39: Fake News

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Lennox POV

Due to the early response and urgent moves we made in order to tackle the damage that the typhoon created, the media surprisingly featured the good governance in our city.

As much as I am flattered, I do not think it is necessary. After all, I was just doing my job.

This is a problem with the people's mindset. They think of political figures as if they are showbiz personalities. They think that they owe politicians for the 'goodness' they have shown when in fact, it should be the other way around.

Politicians are only meant to serve them, and what they give them is also from them, the taxpayers' money.

Besides, due to the immense publicity that the media has given towards me, the national government seemed to have gotten wary of me.

Every policy that a city comes up with during this calamity must need an approval from national government first.

After an effective brainstorming with my team, we have come up with the policy to let our city collaborate with private services in order to give temporary shelter to those who became homeless.

However, even though this policy was logical and was efficient in a sense, the national government blatantly refused it.

In fact, they used this as an opportunity to gaslight my intentions. They stated that local government units should follow the national government's instructions and those leaders who do not, will face criminal charges.

But, was it not them at the start who told the local government units to come up with their own initiatives to deal with the situation? Now that we did, why are they suddenly not allowing it and threatening us instead?

The national government have all the resources and power in order to help people, but they do they not use it to the fullest.

It is not our fault, the local government units, to be frustrated and initiate measures for the benefit of the people.

Most of all, if one's analysis is right, the national government rejected the policy I have proposed due to their intention to protect the businesses in the private sector.

The national government is undeniably connected to the country's filthy rich businessmen. They do not want the private services to be tainted. Since if the private sectors do lend some hotel rooms and so on for the homeless, it may destroy the 'noble' reputations they all possess.

Most importantly, they do not want to lose any profit.

They would rather have people homeless and miserable, rather than lose a few cents out of their pockets.

I tried to calm myself as I analyse the situation even more. This is probably the most frustrated I've been since I've entered politics.

"Mayor... there's a lot of trolls in social media now. They're all creating fake propaganda and insulting you non-stop." a staff suddenly said.

"Just ignore them. Pay no attention. We're dealing with the after-effects of the typhoon, we don't have time to deal with that." I said in a low voice.

Frankly, I really do not care. I was already aware that this may happen as soon as I enter the dirty world of politics. In fact, now, I really understand better what my parents have said. Why they were so worried.

These trolls, the people behind them, really ignored the fact that I came from a prominent family. It seems like it is nothing for them since they are using all the dirty means they know in order to bring down my reputation.

Thankfully though, it is only me that they are targeting. After all, they could not possibly attack my parents since they are internationally-recognised lawyers. They are diplomats who are even affiliated with the United Nations.

"We've found a lead and we discovered that aside from the national government, it was also Jack Padilla who are funding the trolls, Mayor." another staff said.

I am not that surprised that it was the national government who was funding the trolls in social media. After all, it is precisely this trick that they use the most nowadays in order to subtly attack those who are in their 'warning' list.

It is just quite alarming that the trolls they hire have such a warped perception of reality, and are able to use appeals that easily baits people in. Indeed, the national government should be awarded for being a master of fake news.

As for Jack Padilla... I just could not believe how pathetic he is. It has been quite a long time since the elections for the mayoral position in La Coron City ended. The people were wanting for a change and they elected me. They were tired of their political dynasty that has been ruling the city for decades.

I think it is only right that he accepts his defeat and focus on something else, instead of constantly trying to condemn me.

"Again, ignore. We do not need to put in effort. Let the people discern. I have faith that they will be able to discover that all their allegations are fake." I stated.

This time, it was Dan who unexpectedly spoke up.

"Mayor, there's this certain one though, that is being believed even by the netizens who defended you... It's about you and a supposed girlfriend. I think this one is the worst one out of all of them, because they made it sound so real." he said in a distressed tone.

My mouth twitched upon hearing that. Quickly, I held the tablet that Dan was handing in order to read the news they created.

To my surprise, the fake news article used a photo of me with Kristine, which was probably taken during the national event party.

"Lennox Zevallos a heartless womaniser; leaves pregnant girlfriend to fly to USA

As many of you know, the 'mighty' mayor of La Coron City, Lennox Nico Zevallos, have brought in an unfamiliar partner at the national event.

He has never brought anyone else in before. The answer is simple, she is his girlfriend.

However, we have heard from a credible source that since the girl's background was not noble enough for Mayor Lennox, so he abandoned her. Even when the poor girl revealed that she is pregnant with his baby, Mayor Lennox did not bat an eye and told her to abort it and fly to the United States.

We have also heard that even while Mayor Lennox was with that girl, he was also seeing other women. He abuses his power and hires women to constantly pleasure him.

Mayor Lennox is not as good as all of you think. You are all being fooled.

Just because he has good looks, you are all being gullible enough to believe him? Remember that he dared to defy government rules and most likely have the intentions to oppose our president.

Mayor Lennox is incompetent and an inexperienced politician. He cannot be compared to our president, who is striving hard to build this nation.

I hope this story will open your eyes and really see Mayor Lennox's true colours."

Upon reading the entirety of the article, rather than remorse for how bad they've portrayed me, I feel like somewhat laughing at it.

Really? That good-for-nothing older cousin again? Unconsciously, I could not help but remember Millen's reaction when she unabashedly told me that she was jealous during the national event party. Not only the context was funny, but the face she had on that time was too cute.

But then, I couldn't help but sigh. I got a bit irritated upon the thought that Millen might read this gibberish. I know that she's smart, but I still want to be able to assure her.

Also, since Dan did say that this was the worst rumour out of all, it seems like I would really have to clarify it, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

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