Chapter 42: Family

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Ryzen POV

It's actually been quite a while since I stayed at the main mansion.

These days, I was staying at my condo all the time because I've been busy volunteering and giving out reliefs.

Besides, Lennox would always come over and visit me...

While eating dinner, Kenneth Yu stopped in the middle and took a call. When he came back, he had a disgruntled expression on his face.

"Why won't this typhoon thing be over? It's really bad. All the stock prices are going down. The economy is down!" he said loudly in a resentful manner.

"It's okay, hun. It'll be over soon. We still have the foreign investments anyway, right?" Katrina Yu said, trying to soothe her husband.

Kenneth Yu shook his head gently and and let out a heavy sigh.

"For the past years, you know that I've heavily invested in local businesses more. I have to cut losses immediately. This won't do." Kenneth Yu said, gritting his teeth.

Inwardly, I sighed. For calamities like this, instead of thinking about other people who have been heavily affected, businessmen only care about profit.

Stock market... gaining more money... the economy...

It's all they care about. They're greedy and do not hesitate to exploit people in order to keep earning more money.

As Millen Yu, he is my 'father' and so far, I've actually been touched at how much he genuinely cares for Millen. However, it is quite horrifying how businessmen really think.

Somehow, I couldn't help but feel complicated. It is a battle between the morals I believe in and how I am indebted to this family.

Suddenly, Zeus Costales spoke up. He let out a sigh as well.

"Right, this typhoon thing is a nightmare. We give help to the nation, but ungrateful fools still have the audacity to curse at us for not doing enough. Why can't they just be grateful that we give them help? Impudent!" he said.

I wouldn't normally care about this before, but really? 'Fools' to refer to the normal citizens?

I pouted a bit and remained silent, trying to hide the disappointment I feel. All along, I've only been seeing how nice they treat me as 'Millen Yu' and never really saw the ignorance that they had.

Hmm. Thinking about it, since this is the topic anyway, can I possibly bring up Lennox's situation?

Zeus Costales is fond of his granddaughter, Millen. I know that as the senate president, he has the power to hold a meeting or just talk to a department to reconsider approving Lennox's policy.

I only know bits of his policy from the news outlet I read but I could understand that it would really be a big help to the nation if it was approved.

After all, the people who rejected his policy might just be crocodile politicians who were jealous of him.

"Ah, speaking of the typhoon. Grandfather, have you heard about the policy that Mayor Lennox Zevallos tried to propose? Why don't the senate try to consider approving it? I'm sure it will be beneficial and there would be less people who would complain." I said gently.

Amused at what I said, Zeus Costales raised his eyebrows before letting a low chuckle.

"Oh, my granddaughter. I am fond of Lennox Zevallos, actually. You've seen how we converse with him whenever we see him, right?" he said.

I nodded mindlessly, waiting for what he was about to say.

"But, since he entered politics, everything changed. That boy is too idealistic. His values does not match with the current president. In politics, you will have to follow the tide. Follow the one who is the most powerful." he continued.

I could not help but have a confused look on my face as I listen to him.

"It also does not help that due to the annoying media, his popularity have almost surpassed the president's. The president certainly does not like that. We, the senate, cannot do anything at all. No one will be able to entertain his initiatives, no matter bright they may be." he said calmly.

My face unknowingly became aggrieved as Zeus Costales finished his words.

If Lennox's values does not match with the current values of the current administration, then does it not mean that one of them must be wrong?

I let out a sigh.

"But, is it not wrong for the president to be self-interested and unwilling to turn the stagnant community into a progressive one?" I said hastily.

Zeus Costales stopped eating his meal for a second upon hearing my answer. At this point, Katrina and Kenneth Yu also looked towards me.

"Politicians are public servants who should not preserve their interest above the country through politics of convenience. Instead, they should be guided by principled beliefs. Am I not right?" I tried to say calmly.

Zeus Costales did not answer and only stared at me for a while. The whole table was silent.

Moments later, it was Katrina Yu who broke it.

"Millen, you should not talk about politics so easily. You are just young and your grandfather is an expert in it. Politics is not something you should concern yourself in." Katrina Yu stated in a serious tone.

I only avoided her gaze and kept quiet, trying to eat the rest of my meal.

Suddenly, the mood in the atmosphere turned into a gloomy one.

It is only now that I realise that aside from the fact that Millen Yu is undeniably spoiled, she grew up arrogantly. She is too pampered and her parents refused to educate her faults. Instead, they also imposed such an ignorant state of mind.

I bit my lips out of the dejected feelings that I had.

I probably shouldn't have spoken up. Why does it matter anyway, right? Nothing would change anyway.

Besides, it is not like they are my real family.

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