Chapter 8

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Harley woke up in a hospital bed without any recollection of why. The room was a pearly white. The sun bounced off of her blanket but some of the heat seeped through the blanket gently grazing her skin.

All she could remember was the Joker shocking her and Jervis Tetch hypnotising her. She even gained the memory of seeing herself.

"Dr. Quinzel?" Dr. Leland groaned causing Harley turn to look at the woman, who had a blanket covering her and she was sprawled on a chair.

"Harley." Harley corrected.
"Right." The doctor smiled. "Then please call me Joan."

"So why exactly am I in this hospital bed?" Harley asked confused pushing herself to sit up.

"Well, you suffered some traumas in the asylum. We caught the Joker harming you in the chair. As well as Jervis Tetch he was placed in his original cell with a few guards surrounding him." She took a deep breath and let it out. "I had tried to pick you up, but you were just laughing maniacally. Then you began screaming "where's mista J. He woke me up. I'm myself again. 'Tis is the best day of ma life!" I asked what you meant but you just said it's me Harley. Then the guards picked you up because you grabbed a knife and threatened to carve a smile in my face." She looked down disappointed. "I found out about the medication you had been taking and I'm guessing when that disgusting man put you in that shock. It might have brought your second persona out, but I'm going to make sure you don't have another session with the Joker. I'm sorry."

Harley looked down ashamed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that."
"It's okay." The older woman smiled.

Doctor Leland was a very sweet and caring woman. "Thank you." Harley smiled thankful.
She couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself.

Ivy was staring up at the ceiling wondering what was going on with Harley and why she was walking with the clown and that hatter guy without chains or anything. She thought to herself thinking about all of their sessions. "She was probably doing the same thing with every patient. Ivy wasn't an exception. "The girl did seem a little off though." The plant woman whispered to the small cactus in front of her. After a few minutes had passed by she saw a group of guards rushing into a room.

"Hey Leland what's going on?" The ivy rushed to the glass, but the woman ignored her. Her face was filled with worry and fear.

Ivy wanted to see what had been going on outside of the glass. Two guards were carrying the annoying clown who was bursting with laughter and an angered Jervis Tetch.
"I don't deserve to be in here!"

Ivy's mind was wandering in confusions until she heard a familiar cackle. It was Harley. Then she heard the girl shouting. A man walked out of the room holding the young psychiatrist whose hair dangled on his back.

Her head popped up. "Hey red!" She smiled.

"Harley?" The green woman checked.

"Yep Mr. J made moi freeeeee!" She laughed.

Ivy was completely confused on what the girl meant when she said that but soon she would find out about the strange woman even if she had to tell the woman anything about her past.
The psychiatrist had surly done something to ivy because otherwise she would have found some way to escape, but she wanted to stay. She always got a strange bubbly feeling in her chest. It couldn't have been her heart though. She hadn't felt it beat since she was....a human.

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