Chapter 12

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It had been weeks upon week with Ivy they had pounds of cash from the two using their wits to sneak into places. Until Harley had a strange feeling to call Joker, just to check on him since he hadn't been on the news much. What she didn't know was the man hadn't thought about her for a second until he heard a call from his phone. "Hello? Who has this number?" He quickly sat down to track the number. "Hey Puddin. Ya miss me?" She smiled through the phone smiling. "I thought you were here?" He looked around thinking the girl had been pranking him, but he hung up without a care in the world since he wasn't worried about her. He didn't need her, to him men were the one who understood how to listen to him instead of arguing back. Though one thing he wanted was someone or something to use for pleasure, he was the joker in his mind if he made someone do it they'd do it.

Harley had felt slightly hurt. She could hear footsteps approach. "Harley?" Ivy mustered. "Pammy!" She jumped. "Who were you calling?" She questioned. "I just wanted to check in with...mistah J." She explained. The room had been silent for a few seconds until Ivy had finally spoke up. "Get out." She pointed to the door. "But Pam..I." The sweet soft eyes Harley had seen had become so dark they looked almost black, Ivy's skin was a darker green as well. "Get out." Her voice was abrupt. Harley had hunched over. "I-."
"GET OUT!" Her vines had arose. Thorns that looked the same size as knives. Harley cowered  she rushed out of the house. She rushed back to the door forgetting her jester outfit. She knocked. Once. Twice. There was no answer. What she didn't know was the red head was laying on the ground with tears that dripped down like a waterfall or a glacier slowly passing though into the ocean. She head the know filled with hope but she looked down, and shook her head.

(2 years later)

The joker had become darker his jokes involved something worse. He burned off people's faces with a new acid he had created. He used it on most of his henchmen if they disobeyed him. He had threatened to use it on Harley a few times.
It scared her how much she loved him even if he forced her to fight Batman, Robin, and Batgirl with a broken rib from the kicking and being pushed to the floor the makeup she covered her face with hid them well. When fighting with batgirl her punches hit the exact spot the Joker hit her in, the pain had gone away at that point, all of the adrenaline that rushed through her veins caused her to stop feeling the pain. She's punch with her broken hand and yet it caused a lot of damage to the person she hit.
The after affects were worse though. Once she finally relaxed the pain was unbearable, that's why she always kept moving. The pain went away if she didn't sit down. She put 2 cups of sugar in food and drinks that caused to pain to fade because of the extra rush it gave her.
Until on her birthday.

"Mistah J? Isn't ter somthin ya wanna tel moi?" She smiled.
"No. Shoo. I'm busy. Tonight is gonna be special." He smiled wickedly.
"Awe, how sweet. Puddin's gotta surprise for moi." She smiled brightly leaving his room. She was excited, she knew he hadn't forgotten her birthday this year.

Ivy was preparing herself to go sneak into Wayne enterprises new load of fertilizer. It could have been a trap so she grabbed things that would help her escape from the Bat. Her plants whispered a song to her as she poured the right amounts of water to them. Red as a rose, green like the leaves that sway through the whistling wind. Pamelas that sing along with me are my favorite dream. A single daffodil can shave off the poisonous thorns from an ivy vine from its bright beautiful light.
It was a new tune that they began to sing.

Harley placed on her new outfit. It was a surprise for Mr. J. She dyed the tips of her hair black and red and she wore a right outfit that was skintight.
All of Jokers goons followed behind him as they left. "Puddin? Why er they comin?" She asked confused. "Because not just you can distract all three bats." He explained.
She looked down. He had forgotten her birthday...again. She was disappointed. "I'm gonna stay tonight." She turned.
"You can't just leave?" Joker turned. "I'll tell you when you can leave and when you can stay." His voice had gotten heavier. "Today was supposed ta be my special day!" She yelled in anger. "That's it!" He yelled pulling out the gun with the new acid he had made. He dated it and the fumes slowly lured out crawling up toward harley's face. His henchmen covered their faces in fear of what was to come. She breathed I'm the chemicals "is at a touch a vanilla?" She asked. They all looked at her shocked. "Honey I'm sorry...I've gotta temper you know that." His voice was nervous.
"Right." She rolled her eyes. He began to cackle. "What's so funny?" She glared. "I knew you spending time with that human plant would ruin my plans so I upped the dose. Something even poor ivy couldn't handle." He lied, causing Harley to panic. "It starts to take affect after 2 hours and I know you don't want to die do you? If you come with me I promise to give you the antidote." He smiled wickedly.
"Fine." She looked down disappointed for falling into another one of his traps.

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