Chapter 14

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Guys I didn't know how gay I was until I watched this video. *coughs* either way I'm back! Woohoo! I have a reasonable explanation for my absence. This chapter may be iffy since I haven't written in a while. I promise I'll update more. Until the future chapters enjoy this one.

2 months past since Harley had come in contact with Ivy, everyday felt like someone had their grasp on her heart and if she made one wrong move someone would crush it. She could barley breathe when Jokers breath was down her back. He had become even more agressive. When they went out killing was a release for the girl. She wouldn't call herself insane, just hurt and afraid. When she watched the news Joker would throw his cup at the TV when Pamela's face came across the screen saying Gotham's plant queen vs Batman. He'd say that the Batman only has fun when fighting him. She couldn't count the amount of bruises she had since it matched the number of stars in the sky. Today they were going to a villain convention. Every villain (except the ones in Arkham) in Gotham would be there, even Ivy....but she promised herself to never come in contact with her since it would put the redhead in danger. They walked into the bright abandoned building, she never understood why Batman never simply walked into their conventions, they were obvious. Penguin set everything up with guards surrounding the place. While she walked in Joker instantly pulled away from her rushing to the strip area where all of the pole dancers were. Harley looked down slightly hurt. She went to sit down when someone bumped into her spilling a drink on her. "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to..." Ivy and Harley stood staring at each other as Ivy stopped trying to help the girl wipe off the drink, luckily Harleys dress was red so the wine merged in with her dress. Harley immediately broke her gaze from Ivy, she noticed how the girl tried undressing her with her eyes remembering her body under the dress. "Um...I should go." Harley walked away slowing avoiding her eyes, but Ivy grabbed her wrist and slid her finger up to the blondes lip. Ivy caressed the girls lip biting her bottom lip to force herself from pouncing on the girl right there. Harley tried not to stare at her lips, hoping nobody noticed. Ivy guided her to a room, but Harley used what will power she had left and pulled away. "Goodbye." She looked down trying to walk away.

"Harl...just come with me." She mouthed trying not to speak for the first time begging. The blonde stopped slowly turning into her direction feeling a bit nervous. One step at a time right? That's what she always told herself when the devilish clown beat her to a bloody pulp. As long as she was silent right? She followed the redhead hoping nobody noticed them. When the redhead closed the door a vine crept up Harleys leg. Ivy immediately covered the blondes mouth hoping the vine didn't hurt her to much when it pierced through her skin to get the tracking device out. When she got it she felt Harley let out an intolerable screech. She opened the door and threw the small piece into a trash can, and shutting the door back. "Why won't you look me in the eyes?" Ivy asked. "A warning would be nice." Harley winced rubbing her thigh. "How'd you know were it was?" Harley asked. "Well..." Ivy scratched the back of her head. "He said he heard me say things, but I was whispering and umm. Ya know near your thighs." Harleys face turned into a bright red. "Look at me." Ivy demands.
Harley continued to look down.
"Harley why are you trying to avoid my eyes?" Ivy sighed.
"Because...I know if I look into your eyes again I won't be able to leave." She sighed trying to open the door, but Ivy's vines stopped her. "Then close your eyes." Ivy's voice soothed placing her finger under her chin to lift it. Harley did as she was told and felt the familiar warm lips attach to hers. Harley instantly melted into her lips. Pamela lifted her up making Harley's legs unconsciously wrap around. Ivy pulled away to stare at Harley with her eyes still shut, and slipped her head into the nip of her neck. It hurt that she couldn't look into the deep seas of blue in the blondes orbs. As long as she knew she still loved her. Pamela has been extremely insecure since the girl left, and finding out she'd be here was her only chance to find out the truth. "Why?" Pamela asked. "Why what." Harley mumbled into her neck sending an unfamiliar feeling down her spine. "Why do you want to leave?" Pamela questioned keeping her composure. Harley restes her head on the redheads shoulder to talk more clearly. "Whatcha talkn' bout red?" She tried to play coy. "Harl? I'm serious." Ivy's tone changed to one she knew to well. "Well, you see, Joker made something that could kill you. That day...he was going to use it on you with the flower." Harley warned. "Harley I can handle poison, I mean why do you think my name is poison ivy." She emphasized poison putting the blonde down as she stayed on her shoulder. "No. It's made of multiple types of weed killers with loads of salt water in one, mixed with his joker toxin. I've seen what it can do, and if I saw him use it on you...I-I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Her voice cracked. "Harley." Pam cooed rubbing her scalp as she felt the wet droplets from the ocean in her eyes dampen her shoulder. "Listen." Ivy pulled her from her shoulder only to see the girl still had her eyes closed. Ivy wiped the tears from her face and kissed her cheeks whispering sweet nothings to calm the girl down. "Open your eyes." Ivy pecked the corner of her mouth. "Em." Harley squirmed causing Ivy to scoff. "Seriously. Are you five?" She smirked as she saw the blondes cheeks immediately turn into her hair color. "Please, just let me see your eyes?" She begged.
"You saw them earlier." Harley argued. "For 1 second?" Ivy retorts. "Fine."Harley lifted a single eyelid open for her to see her eye, but the other opened as she instantly fell for the green in front of her. She didn't regret looking into her eyes a single bit. It was like being in a haze. Their lips were like magnets. The second their lips crashed together Harley could feel Ivy's heart beat through her chest it made hers skip a beat as the two were in sync. Ivy smiled pulling away. "I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." The blonde sighed knowing the strong feelings she carried for the redhead had become more intense than before. She might have looked her a bit to much so she stood up and left the redhead in the room alone. The plant woman found herself overthinking once more...she couldn't understand what it was she kept feeling. A tingling feeling slowly crept up her wrists somehow making her feel weak. She walked back in with her head down. "Do ya mind?" She pointed at the bloody spot on her thigh.

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