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"What is it?"

"What if it's the Demogorgon? We're
in deep shit if it's the Demogorgon."

"It's not the Demogorgon!" Lucas argued. Mike rolled his eyes. I adjusted my seating.

"An army of Troglodytes charge into
the chamber!" Mike said, slamming down the small figure onto the map.
"Their tails drum the floor. Boom!
Boom! Boom!" Mike continued.

"Troglodytes?!" Dustin asked, frowning.

"Told ya." Lucas sighed. Dustin looked over at me. I felt him looking at me, but I kept my eyes on the game.

Mike looked over his shoulder. His eyes grew wide.

"Wait... do you hear that? Boom!
Boom! BOOM! That sound... it
didn't come from the Troglodytes. No. It came from something else..." Mike slammed another small figure onto the map.

"THE DEMOGORGON!" I gasped. Everyone stared at it in surprise.

"We're in deep shit." Dustin whispered to himself, shaking his head.

Mike looked over at Will, who shifted a bit.

"Will, your turn." He said.

Will gulped. He shook his head.

"I... don't know-"

"Fireball him!" I said, slamming my fists on the table.

"He'd have to roll a 13 or higher, Y/N!" Dustin said. He looked back at Will.
"It's too risky. Cast a protection spell." He said.

"Don't be a wimp! Fireball him!" Lucas yelled. I flinched along with Mike.

"Protection spell!" Dustin said.

"The Demogorgon is tired of your
silly human bickering. It stomps
toward you. BOOM!" Mike yelled.

"FIREBALL HIM WILL!" Lucas said, nudging Will a bit.

"Another step. BOOM!" Mike called out again.

"Cast protection!" Dustin and I said in unison. Dustin glanced over at me, smirking.

"It roars in anger!" Mike played out.

"Fireball!" Lucas said frustrated.

"Protection..." Dustin whispered, looking down at the map.

"And..." everyone watched Will closely. Everything went quiet.

"FIREBALL!" Will said.
Will rolled the dice. It scatters to the
other side of the basement, next to the stairs

"What is it?!" I asked, anxiously.

"I don't know!" Will replied.

"Is it a thirteen?" Dustin asked.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Will yelled. I ran over the the steps before Mike. I almost picked it up when-

The door swung open, revealing Mike's mom. She frowned, looking at Mike sternly.

"Mom, we were in the middle of a campaign!" Mike said.

"... You mean the end?" She corrected him, tapping her wrist. I frowned, not seeing a watch on her wrist."Fifteen after." She said, looking at us. Mike's mom left the doorway. Mike shook his head and ran up the stairs.

"Just twenty more minutes!" I heard Mike reason. I picked up the dice, crossing my fingers on my other hand. I opened my palm, revealing a seven.

"... Does a seven count?" I ask, showing it around.

"No, but don't tell Mike." Dustin smiled. His eyes lit up. "I got some pizza." He said, opening it up. I shook my head.

"I'm okay." I said. He grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs to Nancy's room. "What-"

"Hey!" Dustin waved over to Nancy, smiling. Nancy looked over.

"I'll be right back." She said, dropping the phone on the bed. Nancy got up and slammed the door on us. I flinched.

"Well..." I looked over at Dustin. "Let's ride home?" I said. Dustin nodded.


I got up on my bike, switching the light on. Dustin did the same.

"I'll race you for that X-Men comic that I've been trying to get my hands on." I chuckled. Dustin looked at me in shock.

"Seriously?" He said. "Fine." I smiled at his reply.

"On go." I said, gripping onto the bike handles. Dustin nodded, putting his feet on the pedals.

"Three... Two..-"

Before he could finish, I pedaled as fast as I could down the road.

"I didn't say go!" Dustin called out. He slowly started pedaling, gradually getting faster.


I stopped my bike, looking over at Dustin, who was slowly making his way over.

"You owe me that comic." I smirked.

"Fine, cheater." He joked. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"K, well I gotta get going. It's way past my curfew." I said, tapping my watch.

"See ya, Y/N." Dustin said. He pedaled off into the other direction, waving at me. I waved back, crossing my arms. I started making my way back home, feeling pleased with my comic deal.

I turned onto my drive way.

"Y/N, come inside right this instant!" My mother yelled. I propped my bike up against the garage door and ran inside. I paused and looked out at the driveway.

Something didn't feel right.

I shrugged it off and headed inside, preparing myself for the 'past the curfew' lesson.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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