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"y/n? Y/n, is that you?" I heard a voice call out. I opened my eyes. Everything was.. black. It was Will's fort. I looked around.

"Will?" I called out. "Is... That you?" I waited for an answer.

"It's... You! Y/n, you to help-"

"Helllooo... Y/n? Earth to y/n..." Dustin said, waving his hand in my face. I blinked. I was back in the hallway. The headache was gone.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go." I said, clearing my throat. Lucas looked at me, weirded out.

"Okay... But should we go to Mike's first." Lucas asked. I nodded along with Dustin.

"Yeah, just to make sure he wasn't 'abducted'." I laughed, punching Dustin on the shoulder lightly. He put his right hand over the spot I punched.

"Ouch!" He laughed along. Lucas started walking. We followed behind.


I got on my bike after Dustin and Lucas.

"What if he's hiding a secret?" I suggested, pedaling beside Dustin.

"Nah, Mike can't keep a secret." He replied.

"Yes he can, doofus." Lucas said. "You couldn't keep the secret about-"

"SHUT UP!" Dustin yelled, cutting off Lucas. Lucas laughed. I smirked.

"Secret about what?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just a thing I've been working on." Dustin replied.

"Yeah, right." Lucas said. He looked back at me. "It's TOTALLY a project of his." Lucas said sarcastically. I looked down, blushing.

"We're here!" I said, pulling up onto Mike's driveway, setting my bike down.

Dustin knocked on the door.


Mike answered the door, poking his head through. He sighed in relief.

"Come in." He said, swinging the door open. We stepped in.

"I thought you were sick?" I said. Lucas, Dustin and Mike looked at each other. Mike sighed.

"So uhh-"

"We went out looking for Will and we found this girl in the forest and-" Dustin called out. My eyes widened.

"Why were you looking for Will?" I asked. Mike scratched the back of his neck.

"He's missing, y/n." He replied. I froze.

"A-are you serious? Don't kid around, Mike!" I asked frantically. Dustin walked up to me.

"We tried to keep it a secret but-" I cut him off.

"Why would you keep it a secret? From ME? I've been friends with you guys since, what, fourth grade?" I vented. The boys were quiet. "Hello?! Can you guys answer me? Why were you hiding this from?" I asked.

"We'll talk about it later. I need to show you guys something!" Mike said, breaking up the fight. I sighed, irritated. We followed behind Mike into the basement.

"..what? Are we gonna play D&D?" I asked, crossing my arms. Mike shook his head and walked over to a small fort. He lifted the blanket up to reveal a girl about my age playing with a walkie talkie. She looked up to see me.

"Here she is..." Dustin said. Lucas frowned and sat on the couch.

"She knows... Magic?" Mike said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. Like that's a real thing." I scoffed. He furrowed his brows.

"It's true!" Dustin piped up. I ignored him.

"Prove it." I said. Mike looked at the girl.

"El, can you move something? Anything?" He asked. We waited. El looked at him in confusion. I tilted my head to the left.

"See? She's probably just some homeless girl who doesn't know English." I uncrossed my arms. Mike frowned, facing me.

"Hey! She's not homeless, and she knows English! She's probably just scared or something." He replied.

"Yeah. 'Cause she's a dog." I said sarcastically. Mike sighed.

"Anyways, I was thinking. We should let her in our friend group." He suggested. Dustin grinned. Lucas furrowed his brows.

"A girl? In OUR group? Y/n is enough!" He said. I gave Lucas the death glare. Dustin stood up from sitting on the couch.

"Come on, Lucas! She has powers! POWERS! Who doesn't want a friend with powers?" He said. I sighed.

"Not me. One day, she's gonna get pissed and use her 'powers' on us!" I said. Dustin frowned and looked at me. Mike did the same.

"So, you, the ONLY girl in our group, are turning down the offer to let in another girl into our group? How does that even work?!" Mike asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, y/n! What, are you jealous because of her?" Dustin asked. My face turned red.

"No! Yeah... No! No, I'm never jealous!" I yelled. Dustin crossed his arms.

"Yeah. I could tell." He replied. Everyone went quiet.

"F*ck you, Henderson." I said. I stomped up the basement steps, shutting the door behind me.


I got my bike and hopped on it, pedaling away as fast as I could.

How could he say that? Yeah, I said something dumb, but he could've just kept his mouth shut!

As I pedaled down the road, tears welling up in my eyes, a car pulled up a few feet away from me. It was a police car. He rolled his window down.

"Hey, kid. You're that y/n, right?" He asked. I stopped.

"Yeah." I replied in a shaking voice. He stared at me for a few seconds.

"D'you know a Will Byers?" He asked. I nodded.

"Didn't he go missing? Or so I've been told." I asked. He nodded.

"Got any idea?" He asked. I paused and thought about the headache.

"Do you have time to speak tomorrow? I'll come over to the station if you do."

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