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My eyes widened.

"What is it?" I asked. Dustin opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't.

Dustins POV

Was I really about to tell her that I like her? Is it too soon? I mean, last time I said that I liked her, she said that she wasn't interested.

"I- I'm happy that you stopped by and maybe umm... You could do it every day?" I said.

God, I'm an idiot! I should've just said 'I like you!' like a normal person!

Your POV

I looked at him in confusion.

"Okay..." I replied. "Let's just get to school." I said. Dustin sighed.



We pulled up to the front of the school, surprisingly really early. There were only a few people around. We parked our bikes beside each other.

"So, about the project. You can design the robot and I can build it. Since, ya know-"

"I can build the robot. It's totally fine." I said, cutting him off. Dustin nodded.

"Yeah. I was about to say that." He replied, awkwardly scrayching the back of his neck. I sighed.

"Dustin, I have to tell you something." I whispered. Dustin paused.

"What is it?" He said. He smiled. "Do you-"

"I can talk to Will. Telepathically." I whispered back. I froze. "What did you think I was going to say?" I asked. Dustin looked confused.

"Woah woah woah, wait, hold on. Back track a bit. YOU can TALK to... WILL? The missing Will?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded.

"I know, it sounds... Stupid, but I've been trying to tell Hopper. He just won't listen." I replied.

"Well, screw him! I believe you a thousand percent!" He said. "Have you told Will's mom?"

"Yeah. But he also thinks she's losing her marbles." I said. "And when I was at Wills house, she had lights everywhere. EVERYWHERE!" I whispered, leaning in a bit. "And apparently Will can communicate through them and he spelt out my name!"

Mike and Lucas pulled up to school. Dustin looked over to where they were at.

"Guys! Y/n has-" I quickly punched Dustin's right arm. He cried out in pain. Mike and Lucas walked up to us.

"She has what?" Mike asked. I hesitated.

"Nothing. I have nothing. Right, Dustin?" I said. Dustin nodded, clenching his arm.


"Let's stop by the store first." I said while getting on my bike. Dustin nodded.

"We'll get your new walkie talkie and some supplies for the project." Dustin paused. "Don't you already have the supplies at your house?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah. You're right. We can do it at my house." I replied.

We rode off towards the store to get the walkie talkie. I looked over at Dustin a few times.

I think I like him.

Dustin's POV

I felt y/n looking at me, but I tried not to look back. Why does she have to be so cute?!

I've always liked her, but I like her more than before.

I think I love her.

Your POV

We entered the store, the one that Will's mom worked at. I looked around since I haven't been here in a long time. Dustin stayed close.

"Do you see any walkie talkies?" I asked. Dustin picked up a pack of batteries.

"No, but I found some batteries if you need some." He replied. I shook my head.

"We should ask someone who works here." I said. Dustin nodded.

"I'll get someone." He replied. "I know how much you hate talking to other people." He joked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I scanned the shelves. Nothing.

"What can I help you guys with?" The employee asked.

"Do you guys have any walkie talkies?" I asked. The employee shook his head.

"I'm afraid we don't, unfortunately." He replied. I shrugged.

"Thanks." I said. He walked away to the register. I looked over at Dustin.

"Let's go." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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