Chapter 1

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"Ohmygod!" I yelled, my words blurring together. "I have to have that dress." pointing to a soothing teal colored number inlaid with pearls, the accent piece near the bodice was made up of glossy shells. My posse of the day which stood around me squealed in agreement. "You'd look stunning." said a mousy browned haired girl."That dress was made for you!" a loud brunette stated. "You have to get it." said a girl somewhere in the mass. I froze. Shit, I liked that dress. I looked at the dress a look of disinterest flitting across my face. "I need something better." I said sounding bored. They scrambled to look good. "That dress was ugly!" "You deserve better." They shouted over each other, straining to be heard.


I flipped my long golden hair over my shoulder, and turned walking gracefully out of the little boutique. I heard the clatter of fifteen pairs of heels following me out the door. I sighed, being rich was hard. I snapped my fingers. "I feel like coffee." Immediately a girl came to my side her eyes expectant. "A tall nonfat vanilla mocha, iced." She nodded once and ran to the coffee place across the mall. I sat heavily down on a poorly cushioned bench, I would have to tell daddy to fix that, and pulled out my compact mirror. I examined my pouty pink lips, and pulled out my watermelon lip gloss. I checked my curled locks; my startling blue eyes scrutinizing my perfectly applied make-up. I was without a doubt flawless. The girl finally came back, "What took you so long?" I asked annoyed. "There was a line" she replied. Her voice was breathy. "Honey," mock caring flooded my face "next time just tell them it's for Honor Montclaire." She wilted saying a soft sorry.

"Daddy dear, I'm home!" I sang as I walked into the foyer, the driver behind me with my bags from the day. I waltzed into the the living room. "Daddy?" Right, he wasn't home. I started my way over to the elevator, I pressed the button to the fifth floor and waited for the familiar rush as the elevator started upward. I tiptoed past the massive master bed room. "Honor?" came a woman's voice, she cracked open the doorway. Damn. "Yes mother?" I replied sweetly. Her gaze was cold, calculating. Did you finish the lesson you were assigned?" she asked getting to the point. "Of course mother, now please, if you would excuse me." I said my face serious "I must be getting ready for dinner with the Paries, father says it's important." She pursed her lips. "You are dismissed." She waved her hand as if swatting away a pest.

God I hated that woman.

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