Chapter 3

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I could tell immediately I wasn't liked. The two women in the room pursed there lips at the sight of my scanty dress. I smiled sweetly, at least when I pursed my lips I didn't get wrinkles that looked like a cobweb. The men, the two elderly ones, had a professional glint to there eyes. Strictly business. The boy my age in the room was unashamedly raking his eyes across me from head to toe, and back. Great another player. I love playing with hearts. I stared back giving him a smoldering look that had him grinning. I crossed the room in several confident strides, extending a hand to the man who was clearly in charge. "Don Parie, owner of Parie  Enterprise." His voice was gravely, one of a smoker. Gross. I smiled politely. "Honor Montclaire," my voice rang out confidently. "Heir to  the Montclaire company, and my father, Henry's, top negotiator. The man next to him introduced himself, "Tod," his voice was weak. "Tod Gailer." Oh, not so weak. He owned the most successful chain of malls known today. The two women were next. "Elise Parie, head of financial." Her voice was, to say the least, unpleasant. Like nails on a chalkboard. I shook her hand daintily, as if she had a disease. "Dianne Bashon," her french accent was lilting in stark contrast to her stern appearance "head of external affairs."  Finally I stepped over to the younger man. "Warren Chadlier." A cocky smirk played across his face. I looked him up and down so that only he would notice. I smiled and held out my hand. He looked dazzled. He took my hand and kissed it. Shocked I pulled back my face a mix of emotions. I looked at him again, this time taking in his features. His hair was windswept, a warm chocolate brunette. His strong jawline was shaded with a light stubble; the kind that makes girls knees go weak. He was muscular, he knew it too, his tuxedo outlined all the right muscles in the right places. Starteling green eyes that looked right through you. Finally, his lips pulled into a smirk, they were a sexy shade of nude only guys have. Wait, why was I looking at his lips? Don cleared his throat uncomfortably. Moment ruined.

With the pleasantries over we all sat down at the dramatically over-sized table. Of course Warren sat next to me. The first course was brought out on gleaming crystal plates. Ugh tacky.  Four courses, and two trips to the ladies later room I was starting to get irritated. They try so hard to be rich it was just plain annoying. Elise had sent back two of her courses, claiming she was watching her figure. Yelled at the butler for not polishing the obnoxious candle holder, though even with a polish It'd still be ugly. And complained how there weren't enough Peruvian plants in the room. Someone shut this woman up! Finally she got up and left to "frustrated" to finish the meeting. We continued anyways as if nothing had happened. Warren shamelessly flirted with me, though I kept myself cool. Inside my heart was beating like a racehorse on the last lap. Wait. I don't have feelings for him, I don't.  My game face on I launched into important statistics, key merge points, and benefits for partnership. By the end Don looked convinced. Until Warren spoke. He picked apart my speech in  matter of minutes. I struggled to prove him wrong, my face contorted feeling uncomfortably angry. I had finally back-pedalled enough that Don once again believed me. I pushed a document over to him. To my left I heard Warren intake a breath ready to speak. I shot a glare towards him, and cut him off reassuring Don what a great business deal this was. Finally he signed. "Mr. Parie you won't regret it!" I shook his hand, glancing over at Warren I flashed him a smug smile. I had won.

Finally the evening was over I shook every ones hand. Warren gripped my hand in his a little longer than others, making me blush. I scowled at him hiding my blush. He grinned back, I strode out with a flippant goodbye. I huffed as I sat into the back seat of my limo. He was infuriating. I looked down at my hand. Then why did my heart jump at the sight of his number scrawled on slip of paper in the palm of my hand?


Yay Thirteen reads! (: It's not much, but it's really exciting to me! So what do you guys think so far? Warren yay or nay. And how much do you hate Honor? 

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