Chapter 4

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The very next day I had to attend school. Ugh. What time was it? I glanced at the clock by my bedside, it read nine thirty. I groaned no one should ever be up at this ungodly hour. Well unless you cook for me. On the table next to my bed sat french toast and a grapefruit. I would never tell anyone, but I always got rid of the fruit eating only carbs. Just as I had finished my door flew open, and my mother stomped rudely in. "What are you still doing in bed?" her voice like a slap across the face. I took my time, turning towards her with a look that caused her to purse her lips. "Well?" She asked impatiently her prada clad foot tapping harshly on my heated mahogany floor. "Throwing away my life. I'm going to become a pot-smoking hippie." I said bluntly. I hopped out of my bed as she shrieked profanities. "How dare you Honor Marie Montclaire-" anger turning her face an unattractive red. "Mother dear you'll give yourself an ulcer." I looked at her with a face that said I cared. Yeah right. She huffed walking towards my door. "Honor, mind your-" I cut her off shock flitting across her normally cool face as I slamed the door on her slight frame. No one tells me what to do. Ever. 

After getting ready I went to my car of the day, an Audi convertable, a car that wouldn't be out for two years. I smiled to myself. Thank you daddy.

"Honor!" a squeal I recognized anywhere ringing in my ear, I turned with a grin on my lips. "Haidee!" I squealed back. She was the only real friend that didn't annoy me half to hell. She skidded to a stop her leather booties didn't slow her down much as she barreled into me. "Your back from Greece, so any hotties?" I looked at her my face turning serious. She looked at me, eyes lighting up. "Yes! They were everywhere, it's like a requirement to be a male model if your a guy who lives in Greece!"  I laughed. "Lucky girl, I only had one hottie to play with, with all these boring business dinners I have to go to." I told her pouting. "You poor thing, but give me the deets on this boy." Her face turning from sympathy to probing. So I told her about Warren, carefully composed, so I wouldn't give away that I liked him. Wait. No I didn't like him. Did I? No. She looked at me skeptically, "You don't like him do you?" "No of course not!" I exclaimed quickly, it sounded fake to my ears. "Haidee what should we do today?" I asked her to cover up the previous moment. She looked at me. "I think Miami."  "Me too." I agreed. 

What you didn't think I actually attended classes.

Did you?


Yay I have 15 people reading! (: Thanks guys. sorry for the slow update, I actually think this chapter is reeeeeaaallly boring so the next one I'll make interesting. Hopefully this means I'm almost done with all the set up.

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