Chapter 5

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I batted my thick eyelashes at a boy who stood mouth agape, with a look of pure shock mixed with obvious lust. I licked my lips and winked, he smiled almost sheepishly as his eyes raked across my body. Hey, I said almost. This was going to be to easy. I walked across the sparkling white sand, hips swaying back and forth. I slid my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose, and gave him a smoldering smile. He, still shocked, gulped nervously. "Hi," I said my voice a sexy purr. "H-hello" he replied tripping over his words. I glanced back at Haidee who was casually splayed out on her towel soaking up sun, she looked up and gave me a smile, I waved at her behind my back. "So," I said seductively "what's a stud like you doing all alone?" he looked almost bashful when I said stud. Gag. Grow a pair. Whatever this was just a game to me anyways. "Just out to g-get some sun. Didn't know I'd s-see a fox like you." his attempt at flirting was pitiful. Time to move things along. I giggled, pretending to be flattered, really I just wanted to tell him to man up and call me when he grew his man parts. Wait no, I don't want him to call me. Just grow up, but leave me alone. His face flushed lightly, he moved closer. Maybe he grew up quickly. "You really are gorgeous." his voice husky now, each word articulated. Hm, I thought amused, I bring out the best in people. I bit my lip, and looked up at him through my lashes. He grabbed me by the waist and began walking to the bar on the beach. Yes! 

Two watermelon martinis and a half an hour later I sashay back to Haidee with a victorious grin. I fold my legs under me as I hand her a strawberry daiquiri, and continue to sip my third watermelon martini. "Here's his number." I hand her a napkin with messily scrawled digits and his name, Matt, written underneath it. She throws her head back and laughs. "New record." she says with an amused smile gracing her lips. "He was awful!" I complain. "After he got over being shy he was so grabby. And when he tried to kiss me, ugh, so sloppy." She looks at me with a pout on her mouth, "You poor thing, I hate sloppy kissers." I look at her a smile cracking across my full lips, "Well it's your turn. Knock 'em dead."  She gets up and walks away lithe as a cat. Already I see her approaching a tan, muscled, hotty with dark hair. Have fun Haidee. I lean back on my towel letting the sun soak into my perfect skin.

Fifteen minutes into my tan time a shadow plays across my skin. I wait a moment, thinking it's a cloud. When it doesn't move I sit up quickly "Why are you standing in front of me!" I yell hotly. I focus in on the figure in front of me. "Hi." He says smoothly. Oh, Warren. He takes a seat next to me, glancing approvingly at my bikini clad form. Ugh, men. His eyes stop to rest on something. The napkin. Before I can cover it his hand shoots across me, brushing my skin in the process, and snatches the napkin. "Hm, whose Matt?" he asks, his tone is light, but his eyes show a glimmer of jealousy. I felt guilty and angry at the same time. "No one," I spit "he's just some stupid guy who hit on me."  He looks at me with faux interest playing at his features. "Calm down blondie, I'm not your boyfriend. Do whatever." I purse my lips "What are you even doing here warren?" I ask angrily. "I'm o-out to g-get some sun." he replies with a knowing smile. "You were spying on me?!" I shriek,my voice swooping up an octave. "I'd call it people watching." He rumbles with a playful smirk. "I'd call it stalking." I huff. "Oooh sunshines' awfully touchy today." He says to me leaning in "Want some Midol?" I blush. "No, but could you get me something to pop your huge ego though?" I reply sweetly. Just then Haidee comes prancing back. "Look what I got!" She sings. Warren raises a skeptical brow and says, "Well I better get going blondie, call me in a week when you're... better." I flush, as he's walking away I shout. "Don't call me blondie! And Warren I'm not on..." I cut off seeing that people near by have turned to look at me. 


I arrange my features into a cool smile. Haidee hands me a drink.  "So who was that hunk? she questions. An annoyed look flits across my features  "A huge pain in my ass."


Better or worse? I don't know, but hopefully you guys like it (: Last time I checked I have a few more readers (: Yay! Thanks guys.

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