Chapter 7

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"Did you see that girls earrings?" I asked with obvious distaste. "They were absolutely horrid!" Haidee agreed "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing those knock-offs." We had sauntered over to the refreshments, swiping two flutes of champagne, and then meandered through-out the elaborately decorated area. I could hear the buzz of peoples voices droning in my ear. I held up a hand signalling Haidee to stop. A sharp nasally voice cut through the buzz. "That Honor is such a bitch. Who does she think she is? You girls really shouldn't be following her around like puppy dogs. You're better than that, and frankly you're better than her." Oh hell no. I threw a glare in Alesandras direction that had people backing out of my way. I walked up behind that pompous bitch, the girls she was talking too saw me and there eyes widened. They scurried off. "Why are you walking away from me!" Alesandras shrill voice shrieked. People began to stare. "Well Alesandra maybe you should have used better perfume, I don't think they like Eua de Bitch."  I said smiling sweetly. "Oh," she said with a pouty face "it stings, your insult has broken me." She snickered. "Look Alesandra, you really need to snap out of your delusions. I know you think people worship the ground you walk on, honestly stop fooling yourself. And for the love of god don't wear a dress form two seasons ago. You look tacky." She looked me, her mouth the shape of an 'O' , and spluttered. "But I... You're a.... I'm not..." I cut her off. "Buh-bye now" I said waving my hand in a shooing fashion. She turned on her heal in a huff and stormed off bumping into a waiter who spilled champagne down her dress. She screamed a profanity and ran the rest of the way out. I laughed and Haidee high-fived me whispering "Bitch had it coming" into my ear.

The rest of the night went painfully slow. Haidee was off flirting with some guy, he looked incredibly love-struck. Sucker. I stood listening to a few men drone on about what charity they were going to donate to. I smiled, seeing as I represented 'I Love Shoe', the organization that gave shoes to girls and working women who needed them, I had to assure as many donations as possible. I'll have to talk to daddy about changing the name. It's horrid.

A few hours later I excused myself from yet another group of men interested in my charity. Walking towards the bar a familiar mocking voice intruded the angry rant running through my head. "Well, if it isn't Blondie, so it's been a week. How are you feelin'?" He questioned waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "You are disgusting!" I hissed. "Oh Sunshine don't take your claws out yet. I genuinely care for your well being." My heart pumped a few beats, high strung and ragged. I glanced at his face. Did he really care? He smirked. Nope. He was just mocking. My face flushed. "Now Blondie you really should watch those hormones of yours. First you're livid, and now you're taken with me. Tsk, tsk, what would Matt think?"  I leaned in, "A) you're delusional to think I'm taken with you. B) Matt is a nobody, he is unimportant. C) Don't. Call. Me. Blondie." I turned on my heal and flipped my hair in his face. I stopped almost running into... Matt? "I see. That was a game." Matt said curtly. "Well you can expect Wellin Industries to be withdrawing from your cause." Damn. He's Matt Wellin and I've pissed him off. The largest donating partner of 'I Love Shoe'. Before I could snap back Haidee walked up. "Honor it's an emergency, we have to leave." She grabbed my arm and stalked towards the door.

Once outside she looked at me almost sympathetically. "What the hell happened in there?"  I looked at her in full seriousness. "Well I believe the shit just hit the fan."


Yeah, I thought I would get a chapter up a day but then, BAM life got in the way!  So sorry guys :/ but hopefully I'll do about one a week (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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