Chapter 6

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"Which one? Blue or green?" Haidee asks holding up two dresses. "Definitely the green one." I say pointing my manicured finger at the beautifully simple gown. Haidee had soft caramel colored skin, raven black hair, and intense emerald eyes. She contrasted greatly seeing as I was lightly tanned, had golden locks, and azure eyes. It was Saturday afternoon, Haidee and I were getting ready for yet another charity ball. One where we would be shamelessly flirted with by boys desperate for our attention, and girls would flock around us hoping to become "BFF's" with Honor and Haidee. Joy. Sometimes, I hate people. Music plays softly behind the sounds of us getting ready. "Your team or mine?" I ask Haidee. She ponders for a moment, "Yours' they've lasted five days, they must be amazing."  With that I snap my fingers loudly into an intercom. "Styling." I speak sharply into the mouth-piece. While we wait for them to scramble here from, wherever they lived, Haidee picks out my ensemble. A strapless powder blue dress, the bust was lightly beaded, and the skirt flowed smoothly with a sheer quality. From the wall of jewelry came a gold heart hanging from a dainty chain, a charmed ear cuff, and a pair of sparkly gold 3inch peep-toed heels. I gasped, "Haidee why are you such a fashion genius?"  She looked at me with a wink "It's a gift." and we dissolve into laughter.

Finished. Obviously this team might make it through a whole week. My hair was left down in loose lofty curls, my eyes rimmed with light blue eyeliner, my lips a baby pink, my cheeks had a dewy glow. Yeah, I was stunning. Haidee, wearing a sweat heart a-frame emerald dress, black glittering bracelets, a black bib necklace, and black pumps with bows on the back, also looked soft and sweet. They had twirled her long raven hair into an elaborate up-do with wisps framing her caramel face. They highlighted her eyes with three soft shades of green, dusted bronzer across the apples of her cheeks, and left her lips a supple pink. Tonight we needed to look sweet and adorable, how else would we wrack up donations?

We step out of a limo and are instantly bombarded.

"Over here Honor!" One shouts.

"Haidee smile for me!" Another screams.

"Girls pose for the camera!"

"Do you attend charity balls often, Haidee?"

"Honor, do you have a love interest?"

Haidee looks at me, I stare back. Then we face the blinding flashes and smile pretty for the people. We blow kisses and wink making the photographers scramble to snap pictures of us. Finally we've gotten bored of the public adoration and walk through the mass of desperates' into the ball. As I'm walking next to Haidee one question floats through my mind on repeat. Do you have a love interest? Why didn't I answer? Do I? Warren. No, he annoys the hell out of me. Why am i thinking about him? Do you have a love interest? My train of thought is swiftly derailed as a swarm of girls advance towards Haidee and I. Shit. So I smile pretty as they gush how pretty we are. I turn to look at Haidee she rolls her eyes, I snicker under my breath. As we walk they follow like lost puppies chattering excitedly about tonight's events.


Haidee smiles politely, and clears her throat lightly. They all stop talking and look at her expectantly. "Would you excuse me for a moment ladies, I need to use the ladies room. Honor I need you for a moment." she looks at me with a sense of urgency. I look to the group with a look of apology gracing my face. "Excuse me."  I say lightly. They all burst out in little chirps. "Okay, see you soon." says one. "Buddy system." says another. "Hurry back, don't be slow."  says a girl near the front. I stiffen. We turn and walk towards the bathroom. "Thank god!" I sigh "you got us out of that nightmare." Haidee looks at me her nose scrunches. "Did you see what some of those girls were wearing? Ugh, can you say tacky?" She sings. "I thought I was going to slap that girl in the front." I state. "Oh I know!" Haidee looks at me knowingly "I can't believe she told you what to do. Bitch." I laugh as we walk into the bathroom. She really is the best.


I'm trying to put out a chapter a day, AT LEAST, since I'm on break (: Feedback would be appreciated, thanks for reading (:

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