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"You ready?" Jeno asks, his eyes glistening with nervousness.

"If you are." Jaemin smiles.

Jeno moves forward and pecks the younger's lips. He caresses Jaemin's cheek lovingly, the touch making Jaemin's heart go crazy. The way Jeno is so careful with him, touching him like he's a piece of glass, is something that brings tears to the younger.

Jeno pulls out the two guns they had brought with them. He hands one of them to Jaemin and lets out a shaky breath.

"It's going to be okay Nono," Jaemin whispers.

"I know."

They both make sure their guns are loaded, before embracing each other in a tight hug.

"I love you Na Jaemin," Jeno whispers into the younger's ear, saying his entire name.

"I love you too Lee Jeno," Jaemin whispers back.

"Let's seal this happy ending, okay?"


And then they smile, raising both their guns.

"Let's happen."

"Wait, Jeno!" Jaemin suddenly gasps, a sick wave of goosebumps traveling down his lower back. It makes him drop the gun. "W-We don't have to do this," he stutters, looking deeply at Jeno. "I don't want to."

Jeno sees the fear swimming around inside Jaemin's dark eyes, screaming for help, terrified of what was about to happen. The older inhales sharply and drops his gun too, pulling Jaemin even closer and feeling the shakiness build up inside him. Jaemin hugs Jeno around the older's waist, his eyes starting to water and hands starting to shake.

What the actual fuck are they doing?

Killing themselves just like that? For what? A happy ending?

Jeno pulls away, grabbing Jaemin's shoulders. "Okay, listen," he pauses, watching as Jaemin's breath becomes unsteady. "Let's not do it, okay. Let's just run away. We can find a place to stay, and live there, okay?"

Jaemin nods, calming down.

And that's how their second chapter began. Running from their lives, yet giggling like crazy.

. * :.

i never specifically wrote that they killed themselves, you know

so here we are


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