a mission and a hiding-place

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°chapter six °

The car comes to a halt, as Jaehyun parks it on the side road. Jeno wakes up by the sudden change in movement, yawning as he realizes the sky has changed from being dark and mysterious to a faded light blue. "What time is it?" he asks Jaehyun, shifting in his current position.

The older glances at the clock on the car. "It's seven in the morning," he whispers and Jeno feels himself wake up a little by that.

"We drove for that long?"

Jaehyun shakes his head as a no. "You fell asleep so I parked the car and got some sleep too. I woke up some time ago and drove the rest of the way. We're almost there."

"Okay," Jeno mumbles and stretches out his body. Jaehyun finds the latter's wake up state to resemble Taeyong's quite a lot. From how their eyes hang loosely to how the tip of their finger's twitch when they stretch. Even their yawn is the same, cute and song-like.

"Now that I think of it," Jaehyun says realizing something else. "You and Taeyong don't look much alike."

"Well," Jeno slumps down in his seat. "We don't have the same biological dad either. Taeyong never met his, and mine died."

Jaehyun frowns. "Before or after?"

Jeno smiles sadly. "Before," he whispers. "It happened in a thunderstorm, since then, I become absolutely terrified whenever it starts storming. It actually started storming the first time Jaemin and I officially met. I don't think we would've gotten close if it hadn't to be honest," Jeno looks down at the memory. "He cuddled me to sleep and listened to all my worries, and it was definitely what started out relationship."

Jaehyun titters for himself. "You two really are one of a kind."

Jeno shrugs and unbuckles his seatbelt. "Anyways, I'll wait outside. Get the information and come back and pick me up." He's about to leave but Jaehyun grabs his arm.

"I have a better idea," Jaehyun says. "We'll hide you in the trunk. My team is out on duty so no one will use our garage. I can park the car there and you can stay," he explains. "I thought that might be more comfortable than staying outside for so long."

Jeno nods and exits the car, agreeing with what Jaehyun has planned. The older helps him down into the trunk and gives him a blanket to rest his head on. The trunk closes and everything inside the little space becomes dark, so Jeno closes his eyes. Soon, he feels the wheels give off and the car moving again. And after a while, the car stops and he hears voices around him, so he assumes they have arrived.

Just the thought that he is inside Fort Bangtan gives him chills. Soon the car starts again, and Jeno can hear the sound of driving on gravel fade as the car pulls into the garage.

The light is blending when Jaehyun opens the trunk so Jeno can exit the car. The raven-haired sits up and crawls out, taking in his surroundings. The garage is much bigger than he had thought, at least the size of a tennis field. Five other vehicles are parking in here besides Jaehyun's truck.

"Does all teams have a garage like this?" Jeno asks, turning to Jaehyun.

"Yes," the older smiles. "The size does vary though. The bigger teams have bigger garages, and the smaller have smaller. Team A is the biggest. They have about thirty officers, while Team Z is the smallest, having only four," he explains. "My team has twenty-five officers including me."

Jeno frowns. "Why?" he asks.

"So there's people to use in every situation," Jaehyun smiles so his dimples show. "For example. Smaller teams are used for scavenging and making sure everything's alright at our northern side, while bigger teams are used for look out posts, guarding and rescue missions."

Jeno nods and the two say goodbye before Jaehyun vanishes out of the garage.

. * :.

Jaehyun knocks on the door to Taeyong's office. He doesn't know if the older is in there, but he gets his answer when the door opens revealing the short male with big eyes. Taeyong's eyes widen as he sees Jaehyun and he immediately clutches himself onto the younger like a koala.

"You're back!" Taeyong exclaims and Jaehyun hugs him back.

"You're in a cuddly mood today, huh?" Jaehyun asks, glancing down at the raven-haired in his arms. Taeyong looks up and jumps, giving Jaehyun a quick peck.

He leads Jaehyun into the room and closes the door. The two waddle over to a couch and Jaehyun lies down. With a smile, Taeyong plops down onto him, hugging him around his stomach which causes Jaehyun to giggle. Taeyong might look intimidating but most days he's just a big softie who wants to cuddle, and Jaehyun is thankful that he gets to see that side of the older more than anyone else.

"Did you find anything?" Taeyong questions, but it comes out as a mumble as the right side of his face is squeezed onto Jaehyun's chest, listening to the heartbeat from the younger male and feeling as his chest expands whenever he takes a breath.

Taeyong doesn't like looking small and vulnerable, it makes him feel weak. But with Jaehyun, he feels safe and protected, and loves the feeling.

"I found some batteries," Jaehyun answers him.

Taeyong exhales deeply and closes his eyes, feeling as his body relaxes completely. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" he asks and Jaehyun starts stroking his hand through Taeyong's hair.

"My team is on lookout this week, so I guess not," he answers. "Do you have anything in mind?"

Taeyong shakes his head. "I just want to spend time with you."

A silence falls and Jaehyun finds himself getting tired. He considers just falling asleep then and there, but he can't let Jeno wait like that, so he hurries asking the question before he falls way to deeply into the moment. "I have a question. It's something I've been wondering about for a while," he says.

Taeyong hums, indicating he's listening.

"When we find your brother and Jaemin, what will happen to them?"

The question makes Taeyong open his eyes and he lifts his head up to look straight at Jaehyun. "What?"

"I was just wondering-"

"Nothing will happen," Taeyong says. "They left because they thought we were going to kill them, but it's all just a big misunderstanding," he pauses and lets his head fall down on the younger's warm chest again. "Do you think we'll find them?"

"I know we will," Jaehyun smiles.

Taeyong sighs. "You aren't doing anything today, are you?" he questions, snuggling himself onto Jaehyun.

"Actually-" Jaehyun is about tell him he's busy but is interrupted.

"Stay for a while, please?" Taeyong begs and Jaehyun finds himself giving in. "I'm your leader. I'm ordering you to stay," and Jaehyun thinks Jeno can wait just an hour more, as he closes his eyes and enjoys the closeness of his and Taeyong's bodies.

. * :.

"Good news!"

Jeno is startled as Jaehyun comes barging into the garage.

"Get in the car!" the older male yells. "We need to get you home to Jaemin."

. * :.

jaeyong shippers, this one's for you

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